Library Media Specialist Job Posting
Student Research Opportunities in Cybersecurity!
Employment Resources
Students majoring in Cybersecurity, Electronics Technology, Graphics Technology and Networking Information Technology are required to finish Internship before graduation. Students majoring in Computer Engineering Technology can take internship as an elective.
Students receive 3 credits for internship by registering and finishing CEGT 400 (Electronics Technology, Graphics Technology, and Networking Information Technology programs) or CYS 400 (Cybersecurity).
Internship is a great experience and often leads to employment opportunities. Click here for a list of internship and job employers for CEGT students during the past few years!
Internship Expectations
- The student will be responsible to identify and pursue the internship opportunity. The department sometimes disseminates internship and employment information, whenever available.
- A student internship that earns academic credits for CEGT 400 or CYS 400 should involve work experience and duties that correlate with some of the student’s major courses offered by the department.
- The student must hold an internship during the registered internship class term.
- The student can register the internship class with any academic term (Spring, Fall, or Summer term)
- The internship should cover at least 480 hours of work or duties.
Internship Course Information (general, not inclusive)
- The student should submit, before the add/drop period of a semester ends, the “Student Employment Record” to your internship course instructor. Earlier submission and communication with faculty internship advisor is encouraged.
- The student should submit a 250-350 words description of job, including work assignment and nature and condition of employment.
- The student should submit a copy of the official employment letter to verify employment, or the student can request from the Industrial Supervisor a letter on company letterhead to be sent (or upload a copy to Blackboard online) to the Internship Advisor stating the following: the name of the firm, its location, the name of the supervisor, department, job title, and nature of the work expected from the student. If in doubt, please check with the faculty Internship Advisor.
- Under the guidance of the faculty Internship Advisor, the student will finish several reports required by the course. Additional requirements may apply as advised by the instructor.
- The student should make sure that the Industrial Supervisor fills an online survey to provide feedback to the department.
Employment and Continuous Improvement
Click here for a list of internship and job employers for CEGT students during the past few years!