Virtual EMS - Reservations at CCSU

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

CRO only closes when the University is closed. Please see the Academic Calendar for these dates.

General Inquiries

Central Reservations Office

Required Documents

For external clients

  1. University Third Party Involvement Form.
  2. Certificate of Insurance - Each client must provide the University with a certificate of insurance, from its insurance provider, thirty (30) days prior to the Event, which states that the Contractor (client) is insured for the period of time covered by this Agreement with minimum Commercial General Liability coverage established at: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, and $2,000,000 aggregate. The certificate of insurance shall indicate the specific dates of the Event and the reservation number. The certificate of insurance shall indicate that the State of Connecticut, the University, the Connecticut State University System and its Board of Trustees and their agents, officers and employees, are named as additional insured with no limitations on the scope of protection afforded to these entities.
  3. State of CT Tax Certificate
    1. Each client must submit the appropriate documentation in cases where a CERT-112 or CERT-123 is being requested, no later than two (2) weeks prior to the Event. If a CERT-112 or CERT-123 is to be utilized, the Contractor (client) shall submit the request to the Connecticut State Department of Revenue Services no later than eight (8) weeks prior to the Event. In all cases where the appropriate documentation for tax exemption is not provided within the specified time, the Contractor will be charged all appropriate Connecticut state sales tax.
      1. NOTE: For immediate assistance, please contact Melvin Jones, CT State Department of Revenue Services - Phone: (860) 297-4935, Fax: (860) 297-4818.
      2. Tax Forms: Cert 112 | Cert 123
    2. If you are a nonprofit organization and are collecting a donation, or leveling a charge for admission as a fundraiser, you must provide a completed CERT-119 or CERT-134 indicating that the Event is one (1) of the five (5) fundraisers or social events covered by the exemption the organization has for that calendar year, under the SN 98(11) Exemption from the Connecticut State Department of Revenue Services, and list the University as the retailer. Under no circumstances shall more than five (5) CERT-119 or CERT-134 forms be accepted from any one contractor in a given calendar year.
      1. Tax Forms: Cert 119 | Cert 134
  4. W9 - Each client must provide an up-to-date W9 that specifies the bill-to individual/organization.
    1. Fillable Blank W9
  5. If the facility use agreement is $50,000 or greater, the following documents are required:
    1. OPM Form 1 - This certification accompanies a State contract, as defined in Governor Dannel P. Malloy's Executive Order No. 49, with a value of $50,000 or more in a calendar or fiscal year. The completed form is submitted by the contractor to the awarding State agency at the time of contract execution. The form is also used when an updated certification is needed due to a change in the information contained in the most recently filed certification, for new bids or proposals for a contract, and for updates required at the 12 month anniversary of the most recently filed certification.
    2. OPM Form 5 - This affidavit accompanies a bid or proposal for the purchase of goods or services with a value of $50,000 or more in a calendar or fiscal year. Form 5 is normally submitted by the contractor to the awarding State agency with the bid or proposal, however, for a sole source or no bid contract, it is submitted at the time of contract execution.