Tutoring with Knack
Central has proudly partnered with Knack — a platform enabling Central students to book course-specific peer tutoring. Knack Tutors are fellow students who have previously been successful the courses they offer assistance in; tutoring is completely free and sessions can take place in person or online. To view available tutors, visit ccsu.joinknack.com and sign in with your student account.
Tutoring for Knack
Students are eligible to tutor for Knack if they have received a B+ or higher in a class. Additionally, a professor can recommend you to Knack.
Recommendations come with additional Knack badging.
If you are experiencing issues with the platform, please reach out to support@joinknack.com.
If you have general questions about Knack and our work here at Central, please contact:
Shayne Koplowitz
Assistant Director, The Learning Center
Willard-Diloreto Hall, D316