Personal illness or family illness leaves occur when an employee is away from work for a block of time or requires intermittent or reduced schedule leave.
Employees who meet the qualify requirements may be eligible for State FMLA or Federal Leave.
Federal FMLA
- Eligible after one year of employment and after working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months
- Up to 12 weeks of leave during 12-month FMLA period
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
State FMLA
- Eligible after at least 3 months of state service
- Up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12-month period for all reasons except:
- Up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness
- Up to 2 additional weeks of leave during the 12-month period for a serious health condition resulting in incapacitation that occurs during a pregnancy
- Continued eligibility for state contributions toward health insurance (directly billed as needed)
Note: Leaves for employees with end date positions will not be extended beyond the end date.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Employee Rights
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FAQ's)
Complete the Employee Request and Intent to Return to Work forms to initiate the leave process. Return forms to Victoria Godlewski in Human Resources, Davidson Hall, Room 201.
Employee Medical Certificate (P-33A)
Caregiver Medical Certificate (P-33B)
Intent to Return to Work (HR-3)
Employees must provide Fitness for Duty certification (last page of Medical Certification, P-33) to Human Resources prior to returning to work.
FMLA Resources
Employee Rights & Responsibilities Under the FMLA
Statewide Family and Medical Leave Policy
Contact Victoria Karwowski, at (860) 832-1759, for FMLA information.
Sick Leave Bank Application Forms
AAUP & Management/Confidential SLB Application Form
- See AAUP contract Article 13.3; see M/C HR Policies Article 8.5.3.
- See SUOAF contract Article 24.2.10.