Assessing whether a person is merely going through a rough time or is verging on a full-blown crisis is the work of two specially trained, interdependent teams at Central. The Student Behavioral Review Team (SBRT) and the Threat Assessment Team (TAT) intervene to identify and help resolve problems that could derail or endanger an individual or the campus community as a whole.
Student Behavioral Review Team
The Student Behavioral Review Team (SBRT) is composed of professionals in counseling and health, women's advocacy, residence life, student conduct, alcohol and drug education specialists, and Central police.
Meeting on a regular basis, the SBRT reviews reports on students whose behavior has become a concern for a faculty or staff member or for another student. The team gathers relevant information, assesses the details for each situation, and then together determines whether and how to intervene. Sometimes, a meeting with a dean or a referral to an appropriate on-campus support service is all that is warranted. Other situations can require more complex interventions to provide more extensive care for the student.
The teams conduct regular training, guided by the concern that a student could slip through the cracks and the desire to catch them before they fall. When the team determines that a student poses an immediate threat to self or others, the SBRT will refer the case to the Threat Assessment Team.
Threat Assessment Team
The Threat Assessment Team (TAT) is made up of University administrators and Central Police. The program was developed with the guidance of one of the nation's top experts on campus-violence prevention, Marisa Reddy Randazzo, PhD, the former Chief Research Psychologist for the US Secret Service.
The TAT reviews police reports or complaints and concerns expressed by faculty, staff, students, or the SBRT. Members question those who report a concern to get a better understanding of the situation. Then the team discusses its seriousness, using an assessment tool developed with guidance from Randazzo.
The team determines an appropriate course of action, which may include referring someone to counseling or for medical help, pursuing criminal charges, or barring someone from campus.
Both the SBRT and the TAT hew closely to FERPA, HIPAA, and other established regulations to ensure the individual's rights are respected.
In an emergency call 911.
If it's not an emergency but involves a crime or threatening situation call the Central Police (available around the clock) at 860-832-2375.
The members of the TAT listed below are available during normal University business hours. Referrals to the Student Behavioral Review Team can be made to Ramón Hernández (listed below).
Sean S. Grant
Chief of Police
Sal Cintorino
Chief Operations Officer
Ramón Hernández
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Kimberly Kostelis
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Stacy Votto
University Counsel
Jodi Latina
Associate Vice President of Communications and Media
Stephanie Reis
Director, Student Rights and Responsibilities
Michael Russo
Director of Counseling & Student Development, Interim Vice President for Equity and Wellness
Christopher Wethje
Chief Human Resources Officer
Kellie Byrd Danso
Vice President for Student Affairs
When potentially threatening situations become real, significant threats to the campus, the University has a comprehensive Emergency Notification System (ENS) that will deliver critical information via telephone, text message, web, and voice mail, as well as an outdoor loudspeaker system. All registered students and all faculty, staff, and other campus employees are automatically enrolled in the ENS. To review your contact information and add additional contacts, click here.