Central Connecticut State University employs full-time staff to coordinate fire and life safety activities on our campus. The Central Fire Lieutenant oversees the campus fire alarm system, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers and extinguishment systems, the public-access AED program (automatic external defibrillators), and coordinates fire prevention activities, public first-aid and CPR Programs. Life Safety is the number one priority for all faculty, staff, and students.
While Central is a large commuter university, we currently also have nearly 2,500 of our students in residence. All residence hall staff go through semi-annual training and drills to ensure a smooth and timely evacuation of residence halls in the event of an emergency and assist with fire prevention and education for all residents. Central Fire & Life Safety works with the Central Police Department and mutual aid departments that assist with fire suppression and after-hour emergencies.
In the event of an emergency, please dial 911. For routine issues, please contact the Central Police Department at (860) 832-2375.
For more information on fire and life safety activities on our campus, please contact the Central Fire Lt. at fire@ccsu.edu or (860) 832-2386.