The Department has sponsored or co-sponsored several events in the past including:
May 2, 2024: Shealin Callahan presented her Philosophy Thesis titled, “A New Conception of Superstition: Examining Distinct Types of Non-Scientific Beliefs."
February 27, 2024: Professor Tara Weese provided an overview of what to expect from and how to prepare for Law School and Graduate School.
February 20, 2024: Dr. Don Adams guided students in a reading of Plato’s Symposium.
February 15, 2024: Dr. Tim Maudlin (NYU) gave a talk titled The Great Rift in Physics: Tension Between Relativity and Quantum Theory.
March 22, 2022: Dr. Ann Pang-White (University of Scranton) gave a talk titled, “Decolonial Feminist Philosophy: East and West.”
March 8, 2022: Dr. Yuanfang Dai (Michigan State University) gave a talk titled, "Transcultural Feminist Philosophy: Rethinking Difference and Solidarity through Chinese-American Encounters."
October 1, 2021: The Central Philosophy department celebrated its 50th anniversary with a series of talks from past and current faculty and alumni.
Faculty presenters included: Dr. Leland Creer (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and First Chair of the Department), Dr. Parker English (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy), Dr. Eleanor Godway (Emerita Professor of Philosophy), Dr. Pablo Iannone (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy), Dr. John (Jack) T. Seddon III (Lecturer of Philosophy), Dr. Felton O. Best (CSU Professor of Philosophy), Dr. David Blitz (Professor of Philosophy), Dr. Cameron Brewer (Associate Professor of Philosophy), Dr. Mathew A. Foust (Professor of Philosophy), and Dr. Audra King (Associate Professor of Philosophy).Alumni presenters included: Dr. Alice Alibrio ('77, Licensed Naturopathic Physician), Attorney Kathleen D. Hayes ('10, Special Needs Attorney), Briana McGuckin ('10, Reference Librarian at Central and Author), Dr. Scott Paeth ('93, Professor of Religious Studies and Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies at DePaul University) and Dr. John Soboslai ('02, Assistant Professor of Religion at Montclair State University).
May 13, 2021: Quincy Colon presented his Philosophy Thesis titled, “Defending Science from Inductive Skepticism.”
April 9, 2021: Dr. Leah Kalmanson (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Drake University) gave a talk titled, "The Meaning of Death: Global Perspectives."
April 2, 2021: Ranjoo Herr (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Bentley University) gave a talk titled, “Global Philosophies of Mothering: Confucian and Western Perspectives.”
May 7, 2020: Students presented their 2020 Philosophy Theses. Tyler Augustinsen presented his thesis entitled, “Reducing the Recidivism Rate with Confucianism.” Kailie Zampino presented her thesis entitled, "Reducing Political Bias in Supreme Court Decision Making with the Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics."
March 10, 2020: The Philosophy Department and the Central Philosophy and Debate Club co-sponsored a movie night featuring the film The Matrix.