Assessment in Academic Programs

All academic programs are assessed according to the Policy on Academic Assessment. Reports will be reviewed on a multi-year cycle by the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC), which will provide feedback to departments.

Assessment Reports for FY23-24 are due September 27, 2024. Please review the Assessment Report and Program Review Calendar for the reports due this academic year.

To access the forms, please scroll down to Fall 2024 Instructions on this page. Please note that new programs have their own form and instructions for reporting in the first three years of the program.

Once completed, please email your report to Martie Kaczmarek, Assessment Coordinator, at; OIRA will post the report to the website.

If you have any questions regarding assessment reports, please contact Martie Kaczmarek at or ext.22304.

For additional resources, please see our Resources for Assessment page.

Assessment Reports

Externally Accredited Programs (with feedback on learning outcomes)

Externally accredited programs are no longer required to submit Full reports or Interim reports. These programs now submit Summary reports to the AAC every year, except on the year of their external accredited reporting submission. Accredited programs would, in this year, submit both their outgoing accreditation report and respective feedback summaries from the outside accrediting agency to the Martie Kaczmarek. This information is required for reports submitted to CSCU, Board of Regents, and NECHE.

Non-Externally Accredited Programs

Established Programs: All programs that are not accredited by a discipline specific external accreditation body (with feedback on learning outcomes) are on a 5-year cycle, consisting of a Full report in Year 1, followed by Program Review in Year 2, with Interim reports for years 3, 4, and 5. The assessment cycle is aligned with the Program Review Cycle such that the Full assessment report is due the year prior to the year that the department will submit their program review self-study. During the year of Program Review, departments are required to submit a Summary assessment report; this is necessary to comply with the Board of Regents and NECHE requirements.

For example, if your program is scheduled for Program Review in Fall 2021, then only a Summary assessment report will be due for that program in Fall 2021 (report covering AY2021-21 activities).

New Programs: All new programs that are not eligible for external accreditation must complete both the New Program Summary Sheet and the New Program Report in each of the first three years of the program. The New Program Report is a shorter version of the Full Report and recognizes that little or no data may be available early in the process. In Year 4, a regular Full Report will be due. The Academic Assessment Committee will review all new program reports for the first four years and will provide feedback to departments. In Year 5, Program Review will take place. New Programs will then move into the 5-year cycle for Established Programs.

For additional information, please call Martie Kaczmarek, Assessment Coordinator, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at 860-832-2304.

Assessment Report Instructions

Current Reporting Forms, Instructions and Resources 2023-2024.

All assessment reports are due September 27, 2024.

Instructions for Assessment Reporting

Please review prior to writing reports. 

Instructions for Assessment Reporting

Full Reports

Summary and Report Instructions

Complete the new Full Report Form

Interim Reports

Complete the Summary Sheet and Learning Outcome forms; add data in appendix

Summary Reports

For Externally Accredited Programs & Programs in Program Review

Please complete Summary Sheet; data is not required.

New Program Report

For New Programs not externally accredited

Please complete the New Report Assessment Form

Current Reporting Forms, Instructions and Resources 2022-2023.

All assessment reports are due September 29, 2023.

Instructions for Assessment Reporting

Please review prior to writing reports. Instructions for Assessment Reporting

Full Reports

Summary and Report Instructions

Complete the new Full Report Form

Interim Reports

Complete the Summary Sheet and Learning Outcome forms; add data in appendix

Summary Reports

For Externally Accredited Programs & Programs in Program Review

Please complete Summary Sheet; data is not required.

New Program Report

For New Programs not externally accredited

Please complete the “new” New Report Assessment Form

Report Access

All reports are in accessible via SharePoint. All instructional faculty and administrators can access these reports with their regular Central user ID and password.

Report Access