To make payment, please choose one of the links below. For step-by-step guidance, please visit our Instructions page.
Student TouchNet Payments
Deposit payments for Admissions Confirmation:
- Log onto WebCentral-Banner Web using your Central email and password
- on the Home tab > Deposit Payments > Select Term > Select Admissions Deposit
CentralPipeline for payments by students to their accounts and view account information:
- Log onto WebCentral-Banner Web using your Central email and password
- on the Home tab > eBill/Make ePayment > Make Payment > Make A Payment
BlueChip payments for payments by students to their Blue Chip Card:
- Log onto WebCentral-Banner Web using your Central email and password
- on the Home tab > Deposit Payments > Select Term > Select Blue Chip
Authorized User TouchNet Payment Portal
Authorized User (designated) for payments to student accounts and view account information.
- Reset password, set and/or update e-mail account preferences (set forwarding) at https://accounts.ccsu.edu
- Email account questions, please email the ITS HelpDesk at techsupport@ccsu.edu.
- Billing questions, e-mail the Bursar's Office at billing-bursar@ccsu.edu.