Second Year Success

Congratulations on making it to year two of your Blue Devil journey! Whether this is your second year on campus, or you’re joining us from another institution, Central is excited to be a part of your student experience. This page is dedicated to ensuring you are connected to academic, career, community, and personal resources that will enhance your time at Central and support you in achieving your goals as a student and beyond! Reach out to your RA or Hall Director for more information.

Second-Year Students Keys to Success

Academic Advising:

  • Students will transition to their faculty advisors, who are professors in their major, during their second year. Your school-based advisor will still be available if you have questions. You can find the name of your advisor on the top of your Degree Evaluation. 
  • Semester check-ins with your advisor are critical to academic success.
  • Advisors are experts on the requirements for your area of study
  • Advisors can connect you to opportunities related to your career goals.
  • Advisors are passionate about helping you achieve your goals; utilize them!

Listen to The Sophomore Tea podcast:

  • Get to know campus resources and key staff members on campus who can aid in your success.
  • Listen to the experiences of other students about various topics on college life.

Get/Stay Involved:

  • Being involved in a club on campus can positively impact your success during your second year in a number of different ways.
  • Develop a connection to campus that motivates and encourages success.
  • Build relationships that lead to friendships, mentorships, study groups, accountability partners and moral support.
  • Take a break from the academic rigor of your second year.

Living on campus? Consider living in the Second Year Themed Housing:

  • This community offers tailored programming focused on skill-building, networking, and wellness for second-year students, as well as opportunities centered on career, academic, and personal interests.

Get connected with a Mentor: 

  • Success Central is a mentorship program that can connect you with an upper-class Central student.

Get support from the Career Development Office:  

  • Add all the cool stuff you did during your first year to your resume.
  • Your second year is the perfect time to start thinking about internships or on campus jobs.
  • Mock Interviewing is a low stress way to prepare for the real thing.
  • Update your Handshake Profile.  
  • Explore career options for your major.

Take care of your mental health:

  • It’s never too early or too late to speak with a mental health professional through Student Wellness Services
  • Stress is real and has a real impact, even when we want to pretend otherwise
  • Regularly schedule time for a healthy outlet, whether creative, physical, spiritual, or anything in between

Understand your finances:

Participate in engagement opportunities with an experiential learning focus:

  • Discover meaningful ways to connect, grow, and succeed through experiential learning! Explore community service initiatives, including service-learning and volunteer projects offered by The Center for Community Engagement & Social Research. These opportunities allow you to make a positive impact while building valuable connections and discovering your purpose. Join us in creating a more engaged and fulfilled second-year experience.

Attend the Sophomore Summit:

  • The Sophomore Summit is a development experience that focuses on inspiring second year students for their last two years of college, really getting into their majors, and building their resumes.
  • This year’s Sophomore Summit is March 7th from 9am-1pm. Register now! 

Additional Opportunities: