The Central Psychology Club

An academic student organization that provides members with a means to network for their futures while enjoying their time at Central Connecticut State University. The club revolves around discussing hot topics from the field, learning about subfields that may be unknown to students, and also working up to a regional conference where Central students can present their own or observe others’ research from various psychological fields of study.


The Central Connecticut State University Psychology Club is a student academic organization that allows students to spend time with other students interested in psychology. It is open to all students of a variety of majors and minors.

The club provides students with a social network that takes part in campus activities as well as supporting their futures. This means we have representation on campus, and so do our members. We enter club contests and look for opportunities for fun nights. We also try to network with fundraisers off-campus.

The club also takes part in psychology activities on or off campus. Some past events have included tours of psychology field institutions, graduate school workshops, and tips for getting a job with the Bachelor’s Degree. The pride and joy of the club is the Eastern Psychological Association Conference which takes place in a variety of major cities.

The Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) Conference

The EPA conference is our department’s real time to shine. Club members are able to go see or take part in a nationally acclaimed conference that has such significant speakers as Philip Zimbardo (of Stanford Prison Experiment fame).

But even further than that, our department does more than drool over speakers’ past work and live presence, it creates its own. This past Spring (2010), the Central Psychology Department had a number of students past and present take part in the actual fair in which students present research findings to other students, professors, and professionals alike. Our department representatives at Central were able to make a distinct presence as student representatives who not only presented, but won national awards from the event, beating out many other private institutions and Ivy League schools.

Focus on Futures

One of the key goals of the club is to provide students with a bright future past their time at Central. A large activity focus revolves around graduate schools and possible career paths. The field has so much more than doctoral positions and we encourage students to explore those paths.

The Central Psychology Club is a solid way for students to socialize with each other as well as professors who may have research opportunities in interesting fields. But enough babble, the best way to experience the club is to simply come check it out.


The Central Psychology Club has previously and plans to do various activities that include, but are not limited to:

  • T-Shirt Decorating Contest
  • Fundraiser at Red Robin
  • Tour of The Institute of Living
  • Bright Ideas (series) which introduces students to department professors and the research that they are interested in
  • Guest Lecturers that may include graduate school students, psychologists from a range of fields, social workers, and a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Graduate School Workshops and Post-Graduation Career Workshops
  • Bowling, Laser Tag, and other recreational activities

*All those interested in The Central Psychology Club can e-mail: We also have a Collegiate Link page.

Follow us on Facebook at: Central Psychology Club