Kappa Mu Epsilon

About the Society

Kappa Mu Epsilon is a specialized honor society in Mathematics. KME was founded in 1931 to promote the interest of mathematics among undergraduate students. Its chapters are located in colleges and universities of recognized standing which offer a strong mathematics major. The chapters' members are selected from students of mathematics and other closely related fields who have maintained standards of scholarship, have professional merit, and have attained academic distinction. Both men and women are eligible for membership. The society has grown steadily since its founding. KME has over 80,000 members in about 150 chapters in 35 states.

Listed below are additional details regarding the KME membership criteria and selection process.

  • Must be or have been a faculty member or a regularly enrolled student at Central where Kappa Mu Epsilon chapter is installed.
  • Must have completed at least three semesters (or five quarters) of the college course and rank in the upper 35% of his/her class.
  • Must have completed at least three college courses in mathematics including at least one semester (or two quarters) of calculus and attained an average of B or better in all mathematics courses.
  • Must have completed at least one semester (one quarter) at Central, if having transferred from another institution, and have completed at least one mathematics course with a B or better at the institution prior to his/her induction into membership.
  • Election to membership shall be irrespective of membership in any other organization, and no person shall be excluded on the ground of sex, race, creed or color.

Potential Members

Apply here!

Central CT Gamma Chapter