Full-time students for the current term are covered under the University's mandatory accident policy with Aetna. Because it is a secondary policy, a claim should first be submitted to the student's primary insurance carrier. The coverage period is August 1st through December 31st for the fall term, and January 1st through July 31st for the spring term.
Aetna's claim form is available online at https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/schools/aetnaClaim.pdf and will need to be completed and submitted to Aetna along with a copy of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the primary insurance and a copy of the itemized bill or original claim.
The student can also go online as follows:
- Go to www.aetnastudenthealth.com
- Select Central Connecticut State University from the drop down list of schools
- Select "View your Insurance Plan Details"
- Select "How to use your plan"
- elect "Print an Aetna Claim Form"
The student can also contact customer service at 1-877-375-4244 for further information or assistance with submitting the claim.
For further information please visit the Bursar’s Office at https://www.ccsu.edu/bursar/Insurance_Information.html