The Office of Grants and Funded Research (GFR) at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) works with Faculty and Staff to apply for external funding, whether in the form of a Grant Application, Grant Extension or Renewal, Subaward, Co-PI collaboration, Contract, Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Subcontract.
Below, please identify the method of external funding you are seeking, and then follow the steps outlined for either (A) – Grant Application Process or (B) – Contract Negotiation Process. We respectfully request at least a 30-day lead-time in order to submit a successful application or contract.
(A) - Grant Application Process
This process should be used for new applications, subawards, subcontracts, and grant collaboration situations.
- Faculty member submits “Intent to Seek External Funding” form on the GFR website. Request for Proposal (RFP) website link must be included on the form. GFR Director will inform the Dean, Chairperson and Provost of the intent.
- GFR Director contacts Faculty member to schedule meeting to review RFP details, including eligibility to apply, required grant application materials, timeline, budget, among others.
- Faculty member completes grant application with assistance from the GFR Director.
- Faculty member writes grant application narrative
- Faculty member creates grant application budget (with assistance from GFR Director)
- Faculty and GFR Director decide who will upload application materials to funding agency
- GFR Director and Post-Award Grants Administration Manager review grant application materials. Specifically, does the application meet basic grant application requirements, have a correct budget, and include components/ obligations outside of the original intent to apply?
- GFR Director gathers all non-narrative grant information.
- GFR Director fills out the “Grants and Funded Research Routing Sheet” and forwards the routing sheet along with the scope of work, budget, and budget narrative for required approval signatures to the faculty member, Department Chair, Academic Dean, Chief Budget & Compliance Officer, Post-Award Grants Administration Manager, Provost, Facilities (as appropriate), and Other (as appropriate).
- GFR Director or Faculty submits grant application after all approvals have been received.
- Once the grant is awarded, the Faculty member will receive an award letter from the sponsoring agency. The award letter and any agency correspondence should be forwarded to the Post-Award Grants Administration Manager.
Once the Post-Award Grants Administration Manager receives the award letter, the Post-Award Grants Administration Manager will work with the Faculty member to establish and administer the grant account.
(B) - Contract Negotiation Process
This process should be used for a new Contract, Memorandum of Agreement, and Memorandum of Understanding.
- Faculty member submits “Intent to Seek External Funding” form on the GFR website. GFR Director will inform the Dean, Chairperson and Provost of the intent.
- GFR Director contacts Faculty member and schedules meeting to review the MOA/MOU process, scope of work, and proposed budget.
- GFR Director sends draft budget to Post-Award Grants Administration Manager for review.
- GFR Director fills out the “Grants and Funded Research Routing Sheet” and forwards the routing sheet along with the grant application for required approval signatures to the faculty member, Department Chair, Academic Dean, Chief Budget & Compliance Officer, Post-Award Grants Administration Manager, Provost, Facilities (as appropriate), and Other (as appropriate).
- The GFR Director communicates the scope of work and budget to the sponsoring agency for inclusion in the MOA/MOU. Faculty is copied on correspondence.
- Sponsoring agency sends the draft MOA/MOU to the Post-Award Grants Administration Manager.
- The Post-Award Grants Administration Manager, the Faculty member, and CCSU Contract Compliance & Procurement Services Office review the MOA/MOU.
- The Contract Compliance & Procurement Services Office will forward amendments/changes of draft MOA/MOU to the sponsoring agency, Faculty member, and Post-Award Grants Administration Manager for review.
- After the changes have been reviewed and agreed upon by the sponsoring agency, the Faculty member, Post-Award Grants Administration Manager, and the Contract Compliance & Procurement Services Office, the Contract Compliance & Procurement Services or Post-Award Grants Administration Office forwards the MOA/MOU to the appropriate signatory.
- The Contract Compliance & Procurement Services or Post-Award Grants Administration Office forwards signed MOA/MOU to the sponsoring agency for signature.
- Once the MOA/MOU has been fully executed, the sponsoring agency will return it to the Contract Compliance & Procurement Services Office and/or the Post-Award Grants Administration Office.
- Once the Post-Award Grants Administration Office receives the signed MOA/MOU, the Post-Award Grants Administration Manager will work with the Faculty member to establish and administer the grant account.