Office of Post-Award Grants Staff

Kathy Moore
Post-Award Grants Administration Manager
(860) 832-2005

  • Review/approves ALL grant related expenditures/purchases PRIOR to any purchase
  • Handles all allowability questions
  • External financial reporting, invoicing and draw-down of funds
  • Budget review/approvals
  • Should be copied on all correspondence with Sponsoring agency

Mark Emsak
Grants Specialist 
(860) 832-2006 

  • Reconciling all grant accounts (Budget Expenditure Analysis Report to Banner) and providing monthly internal reports
  • Grants purchasing card training
  • Monitor time and effort reporting

Margaret Sznaj
University Assistant 
(860) 832-2360

  • Grant credit card receipts and delinquent credit card receipt emails

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday        8:30-4:30
Contact us via email, phone, or Teams


  • All documents are handled electronically, no paper
  • All receipts and time & effort documents should be sent to