Students may apply for admission to the School of Business as part of their initial application for admission to the University. Students will be in lower division status until they are formally admitted to upper division status.
The School of Business requires objective evidence that a student possesses the quantitative and verbal aptitude plus the fundamental economics and accounting skills to move on to upper division business coursework and successfully complete his or her desired business degree program. Students are also expected to have a working knowledge of basic computer applications such as word processing and spreadsheets.
Students accepted into upper division must maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average in business coursework and in the University grade point average. A student who has attained upper division status in the School of Business and whose grade point average falls below the required minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average will not be able to graduate.
Students must be formally admitted to upper division status before they will be permitted to enroll in upper division (300-400 level) business courses. Upper division status will only be granted to students who have:
Generally, students who have successfully completed the requirements for upper division status will be automatically changed from lower division to upper division status and assigned a faculty advisor in their major department. For further information, call the School of Business Student Services Center at 860.832.3205.
Students who expect to successfully complete the lower division requirements by the close of the current semester will be permitted to conditionally register for upper division business courses in their major for the following semester. If such students subsequently fail to successfully complete the lower division requirements, their conditional permission will be revoked, and they will be removed from upper division business courses.
Transfer students must meet the same course requirements, application procedures, and cumulative grade point averages as Central students. Transfer credit for lower division requirement courses, common business core courses, and chosen major courses will not be granted by the School of Business unless such courses were completed with grades of C- or better. Transfer grades for lower division requirements (AC 211 and 212; ECON 200 and 201; WRT 105/105P or ENG 110; MATH 123 or 125; STAT 200; MC 207 or equivalencies as approved by the School of Business) taken at other colleges and universities will be included in the GPA calculation of upper division courses. Students may be asked to repeat those courses to attain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for the upper division courses.
Academic advising and intervention are an integral and vital component of the School of Business students' experience. Students are assigned both a professional advisor in the Student Services Center, and a Faculty Advisor in the student’s chosen major throughout the entirety of their undergraduate program. Academic Advising consists of the following components:
The School of Business Student Services Center works as the primary advisor with business students to complete their Lower Division requirements. Lower division business students must meet with an academic advisor each semester prior to the course registration period to review course selections and assure that students are progressing satisfactorily. Students can schedule an appointment at the School of Business Student Services Center.
If an academic problem occurs, an academic advisor may intervene with future course selections and facilitate an academic support program for the student.
While students maintain lower division status, they will have access to their faculty advisor who acts as a secondary resource for advising, expertise related to the student’s major, and student support.
After successfully completing all lower division requirements, students will work primarily with their Faculty Advisor in their major department. The advisor in the Student Services Center remains a secondary resource for advising and student support. The faculty advisor will assist with the selection of courses that support each student's particular interests and help create a program of study leading to graduation. Faculty advisors also provide valuable career-related advice and counseling, information about internships and study abroad, as well as assistance with preparing for graduate programs.