Bonnie Nietupski
"I truly enjoyed the summer program. As it is designed for Spanish teachers, I was able to develop practical units that I implemented in the classroom that fall. Meeting and collaborating with other experienced Spanish teachers was invaluable, and the professors are knowledgeable, dedicated and caring individuals. As a Spanish teacher and educator, I enjoyed the language and cultural modules."
Sonia Michel
"The professors and students make the rewarding and enriching experience of the SITS program one that merits serious consideration if you value professional development and memorable educational experiences during the summer."
Dennis Assis
"SITS was very informative as well as interesting. The topics discussed in class were extremely useful and the instructors provided a great learning environment. Finally, I learned much from my fellow students and I recommend everyone to be a part of it."
Isabel Ceballos
"Este programa me ayudó a entender cómo enseñar una clase de cualquier nivel. La presentación de los proyectos y planes de lección me ayudó a mejorar la lecciones para futuro uso."
Raquel Ortega
"Este programa me encantó porque aprendà muchas cosas que incorporaré en mi clase. Todos los módulos que tomamos fueron muy útiles para nuestros proyectos y para ampliar nuestros conocimientos sobre otras culturas. El módulo sobre las comunidades autónomas fue muy interesante y divertido porque aprendà cosas que no sabÃa sobre el PaÃs Vasco y Cataluña. La sección que más me gustó fue la tecnologÃa porque puedo aplicar todo lo que aprendà para diseñar una unidad en la Web que los estudiantes podrán utilizar para estudiar."
Magdalena Kruk
"Excellent program, full of great resources that could be used for different levels of teaching Spanish. The information was presented in a variety of ways --videos, lectures, articles, music, etc. The materials and ideas I gathered I will use in the years to come, making my classes more interesting and unique!"
Carole Rumpf
"This summer program for teachers was a wonderful way to grow in my knowledge of current issues in two Spanish speaking countries. And what a terrific opportunity to share with and learn from my fellow teachers. The technology aspect was daunting at first, but so empowering. I can't believe I know how to do a PowerPoint presentation and I have a Web page!, IncreÃble!"
Sarah Pantalone
"El programa SITS es un programa intensivo, pero vale cada minuto porque todo el trabajo que desarrollarás te servirá en la clase. A mà me ha ayudado a tener más confianza en mis habilidades de utilizar el español y también he aprendido información que me hará una maestra más eficiente en cuanto a conocimiento de las culturas y paÃses que estudiamos y también en el uso del PowerPoint, FrontPage."
Catalina DeLuca
"Outstanding! The quality of information, delivery and presentation is without comparison... I am so glad I took this class because I feel it has helped me to grow professionally. The tools I was given are invaluable. I was also given the knowledge to use those tools and all of these will make my classes come to life. My students will certainly benefit at my taking this class. I definitely recommend this class to all language teachers."
Monica Kordowski
"SITS is a great way to help prepare you for the BEST portfolio project and incorporate all the important points needed to successfully pass. It also helps teachers become comfortable using PowerPoint and creating Web pages."
Mario Ramos
"Si está en su primer año o a punto de jubilarse, SITS tiene algo para todos."
Amy Clark-GarcÃa
"SITS es un programa fenomenal para profesores nuevos y también para profesores con muchos años de experiencia. Me dio la oportunidad de aprender sobre temas culturales fascinantes y relevantes y crear actividades usando muchos medios de tecnologÃa para llevar a mis estudiantes. Ha sido una experiencia educativa maravillosa."
Gustavo Mercado
"El Insituto de Verano para Maestros de Español que ofrece CCSU ha sido de gran significado para mi persona. Tanto en lo académico como en lo personal, el Instituto ofrece de manera óptima capacitación en la creación y desarrollo de currÃculo y a su vez, la integración de la tecnologÃa. Estos dos componentes me han brindado la oportunidad de actualizar mis conocimientos y aprender aspectos relevantes en el desarrollo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje para mis estudiantes. Recomiendo con mucha seriedad a los maestros que participen de esta única e innovadora experiencia."
Lisa Urso
"I really appreciated networking with other teachers of all levels of Spanish. I learned so much to take back to the classroom: tango, candombe, and the Aztecs, to name a few topics, that I can't wait to return to the classroom in September."
Kit Moya
"Every student did a great job designing a project for their class. Great ideas to bring to our classrooms."
April Bakes
"I very much enjoyed SITS. It was a wonderful way to meet other teachers and explore their ideas and methods. It really was a pleasure."
Gretchen Rothe
"Participating in SITS was an enriching and rewarding experience, both professionally and personally. I learned so much about teaching culture and can't wait to take it back to my classroom. The SITS professors are wonderful, and I also got to know some excellent Spanish teachers."
Susan Nageotte
"I found all aspects of this program to be enlightening and useful. I plan to bring many cultural and technological components to my classroom."
Julia E. Rivera
"I was very pleased to participate in a program that gave me the opportunity to explore and discover information about other cultures, language and technology. It is a very professional and well organized program that enables instructors not only to obtain a Masters Degree in Spanish [when combined with the Inter-University Master Program], but also to enhance their knowledge, and most importantly to meet other colleagues that are very pleasant to work with and willing to share new ideas and support. It was a team work. I loved it!"
Suzanne Coonley
"The Spanish immersion in July 2000 with the CCSU Summer Institute for Teachers of Spanish was a marvelous learning experience. The quality of the instruction was superior. Looking back, I actually learned more than I could have imagined for such a short duration of time. I cannot recommend the program more highly for those seeking a valuable summer program in Spanish and one which is at once applicable and fun."
Alicia Velázquez Blanchard
"The 2000 SITS was a terrific experience. Although it had been a while since I was in a graduate course, it reawakened my interest in the language. The material presented was truly excellent. It was definitely worth the one hour drive each way for me. No other university has such a practical as well as intensive program. I can't wait to get another 9 credits this summer. 18 credits in two summers and lots of material that I can use in my classroom is wonderful."
Michaela Volovsek
" I thoroughly enjoyed the institute. The information presented by our professors was fascinating and accessible, and the lessons prepared by fellow teachers provided useful models for my own lessons. We came to the institute with different backgrounds, different levels of Spanish and different needs as teachers, but we all left feeling inspired and confident. In addition, we formed bonds with each other which will enrich us as teachers. We worked hard, but had time enough to process what we were learning. I can't recommend it enough: it is exhilarating and informative."