- Please check that you have completed the following:
- Complete a FAFSA (f you have not already)
- Activate BlueNet & Multi-factor authenticator
- Apply for and pay Housing Deposit & Meal Plan
- Complete your Health Forms
- Send in Final High School Transcript
- Upload your Photo for your Student ID (This can be picked up at Orientation)
- Register your vehicle
Welcome! You are now a Blue Devil!
Plan for Registration
- Share your SAT/ACT Scores to help us create the perfect schedule for your first semester.
- Please have College Board/ACT or your high school forward your scores to Admissions@ccsu.edu .
- Check to see if you will need to complete a Math Placement Exam
- If you determine that you will need to take the Math Placement Accuplacer Exam, you may contact The Learning Center at 860.832.1900
- Complete Writing Placement Exams
- If you need to take the Writing Placement Exam, you will receive information in your email. Please visit the Writing Placement Exam Webpage for more details.
- Residents: Complete Housing Application
- Review/Accept any financial aid offers
- Pay your Tuition & Fees
- Once you are registered for classes, your status is switched to being enrolled. This will generate a billing statement to be prepared for you. Tuition is due on December 15 for Spring term, and July 15 for Fall term.
- Sign-up to attend Orientation! Review Orientation program dates and sign up to attend once you receive an email from our Orientation office, New Student Programs.
- Prepare for Housing Selection and Move-In
- Complete the required Sexual Violence Prevention Training (online). You can access the link on the website, or look for a future email that will be sent to your inbox.
- Attend Orientation and meet other Blue Devils and Orientation Leaders
- Understand your Academic program by reviewing Curriculum Sheets, Academic Maps, and Program Descriptions.
- Know about campus resources and support included within our Welcome new students to campus and valuable campus resources, such as our Blanket of Support
- Attend campus events and join a club (or two!)
- Orientation: Check back soon for 2024 Orientation dates.
- Residents: Check back for Move-In dates. Residence Life will be in touch with information about Freshmen Move-In Day. Information on Housing Selection and Move-In can be found within the links provided. Please email or call the Residence Life office with any questions at reslife@ccsu.edu & 860.832.1660.
- Participate in Convocation and Kizer's Kickoff. Information will be shared at Orientation and emailed to you.