The Department of Music offers a minor in music. Consult the Academic Catalog for information on those programs that require a minor.
The music minor is designed in consultation with the chair and consists of at least eighteen credits in music. Students will choose courses from the following areas:
- Music theory (3 credits)
- Music history (6 credits)
- Piano and/or Jazz improvisation (2-4 credits)
- Ensembles and/or applied lessons (3-5)
- Music Technology (3-5 credits)
This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Students planning to minor in music must consult the Department Chair for advisement.
Requirements (18 credits):
Required: Three (3) credits from:
Also Required -- Category A. Six (6) credits from:
MUS 100 Search in Music 3 Credits
MUS 110 Listening to Classical Music 3 Credits
MUS 111 Music of the World's People 3 Credits
MUS 113 History of Jazz 3 Credits
MUS 115 Aural Skills I 1 Credit
MUS 116 Aural Skills II 1 Credit
MUS 214 Electro-Acoustic Music and Sonic Art 3 Credits
Nine (9) credits required from at least two of the following categories (B, C, or D):
Category B. Zero-Six (0-6) credits from:
Category C. Zero-Six (0-6) credit from: (the same course may be repeated for credit)
Total Credit Hours: 18