Welcome to Central Connecticut State University!
Congratulations on your recent admission to Central Connecticut State University. Now that you've been accepted, we invite you to explore more about what’s in store for you at Accepted Students Day.
We are offering you the opportunity to:
- Visit campus and explore our facilities first-hand
- Participate in interactive academic sessions with your faculty
- Meet your future classmates
- Chat with representatives from career development, the graduate student assembly, program specific societies, and more
So, What's Next?
Activate Bluenet Account
Upon your acceptance to Central, you will receive an email from Central Accounts Management with instructions for activating your new Central BlueNet account. Your Central BlueNet account is used to access computing services both on and off campus. It consists of your:
- BlueNet username - a unique username (usually your first initial, last initial and 4 numbers), used to log into computers on campus and some specialized systems.
- Central Microsoft 365 account - your Central email address (ending in @my.ccsu.edu), used to access your Central Microsoft 365 account (email, Office applications, OneDrive, etc) and log into most online systems like WebCentral-BannerWeb and Blackboard.
Pay Admissions Deposit Full-Time Students Only
The payment of your Admissions Confirmation Deposit ($200) confirms your intention to attend Central. Soon after payment, you will receive registration information. For more information and to pay your deposit, visit ccsu.edu/bursar or call or 860.832.2010.
Apply For Financial Aid
The first step in applying for financial aid is completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can find the application at studentaid.gov/fafsa. For more information, visit the Financial Aid Department or call 860.832.2200.
Complete Health Forms
All registered students are required to submit a medical form to Student Wellness Services. Instructions and forms can be found at Student Wellness Services.
Register for Classes
This can be completed online or on campus. Information about the registration process is available at the WebCentral-Banner Web with your Central email and password. Once logged in click on the Billing/Payment tab to view your tuition bill, make credit card or e-check payments, and request a payment plan. The bill must be paid by the date posted on your e-Bill statement. Approved Financial Aid awards, scholarships, and sponsorships will be noted on your account.
Obtain Blue Chip Student ID
You will obtain your Blue Chip Student ID Card when you visit campus to meet with your academic advisor or during orientation. Your ID card will give you access to multiple services.
Obtain Parking Permit
A parking permit is required to park on campus. All students are eligible to apply for a permit after registering for classes. Email cardoffice@ccsu.edu for questions about parking permits.
Complete Title IX Training
All Central Connecticut State University Students must complete Title IX/Sexual Misconduct training. This is coordinated by our Office of Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention and will be conducted online. You will receive a series of emails detailing what the training is and when it must be completed.
Graduate Housing
On campus housing for graduate students is available on a first come, first served basis. Visit Graduate Student Housing Options for graduate-specific housing, or Residence Life for general housing options or call 860.832.1660.
Graduate Catalog
The Graduate Catalog and Graduate Studies Handbook are available online. These resources contain all policies and procedures for graduate students and programs. Information about graduate assistantships and scholarships are located online. All graduate related forms are online or can be obtained by calling 860.832.2363.