Central Connecticut State University is committed to ensuring equal access and non-discrimination for students with disabilities in campus-based housing in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) is responsible for meeting with students seeking housing accommodations and evaluating formal requests in a timely manner to determine eligibility for and reasonableness of each request.
Housing accommodations are determined based upon medical need and space availability. Requests for housing accommodations are evaluated on an annual basis and do not apply retroactively. When approved, housing accommodations are effective from the date of the approval through the end of the current academic year unless otherwise noted. Previous housing accommodation approvals are subject to annual reevaluations. Space is limited and there should be no expectation of a guaranteed approval for housing accommodation requests.
Please carefully read the application procedures outlined below to proceed with a formal housing accommodation request. Questions about the procedures may be directed to a Disability Specialist within the Office of Accessibility Services.
Students who are not registered with Accessibility Services
- Complete and submit an OAS Intake Application in Accommodate, our secure and confidential data management system.
- Complete and submit to the OAS Medical Verification Form or its equivalent directly into Accommodate as the fastest method, or it can be mailed, faxed, hand-delivered or emailed as a .pdf to accessibilityservices@ccsu.edu .
- Meet with an OAS Disability Specialist for a 60-minute confidential Intake Meeting to review and evaluate your housing accommodation request. Appointments should be made directly through Accommodate.
Please Note: While housing accommodation requests may be submitted at any time, priority will be given to students who have completed the application procedures stated above between May 1st and July 31st for the fall semester and by November 15th for the spring semester.
Students who are registered with Accessibility Services
- Complete and submit a Supplemental Request through Accommodate, our secure and confidential data management system.
- Click “Accommodation” then click “Accessibility Request”
- Select the “Supplemental” tab then click “Add New” and complete the form in its entirety
- Complete and submit the OAS Medical Verification Form or its equivalent directly into Accommodate as the fastest method, or it can be mailed, faxed, hand-delivered or emailed as a .pdf to accessibilityservices@ccsu.edu.
- Meet with an OAS Disability Specialist for a 30-minute confidential meeting. Appointments should be made directly through Accommodate.
Please Note: While housing accommodation requests may be submitted at any time, priority will be given to students who have completed the application procedures stated above between March 1st and May 31st for the fall semester and by November 15th for the spring semester.