Student information and documentation obtained through the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) are considered an educational record and are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Although certain medical records are exempt from FERPA’s definition of "education records," that exemption does not apply to students with disabilities. Accordingly, confidential records will be protected in accordance with FERPA regulations with the purpose of providing appropriate academic accommodations.
The information obtained from students or other sources are considered confidential and are secured in a locked cabinet. In addition to paper files, OAS keeps some electronic information on students. Only OAS personnel can access this information. Information about disabilities and the use of accommodations are not disclosed on a student’s transcripts. Disability related documents created by the OAS would not be released to an outside third party without written consent of the student, unless there is a valid reason to do so, such as a threat to the individual’s own safety or the safety of others. Disability related documents obtained from a third party (e.g., medical records, diagnostic reports) would only be released to the student with the appropriate written authorization. Students have the right to review the contents of their files with an OAS staff member after completing the Request to Review my Records Form and submitting to OAS at disabilityServices@ccsu.edu.
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