Office of the Dean

Steven Minkler, Dean –, 860.832.1800

  • Academic Program Development
  • Accreditation and Program Review
  • Budget Oversight
  • Facilities Planning
  • Grade Appeals
  • Industry Advisory Boards
  • Institutional Advancement and Major Gifts
  • Information Technology Committee 
  • Promotion, Tenure, Renewal, and Professional Assessment 
  • Sabbatical Leave Applications 
  • Strategic Planning
  • Supervising Manager on behalf of the Provost for:
    • Center for Teaching & Innovation (CTI)
    • Continuing Education
    • Elihu Burritt Library
    • XR Lab

LaShanda Dove, Administrative Assistant to the Dean –, 860.832.1800
Michaelin Thomas, Administrative Operations Assistant –,  860.832.1833

  • Academic Department Secretaries
  • Consulting and Research Compliance Forms
  • Course Abroad Applications
  • Dean’s Office Communications
  • Departmental Evaluation Committee (DEC) Issues
  • Search Procedures for Faculty and Staff
  • SEST Calendar
  • SEST Events Management
  • SEST e-Newsletter
  • SEST Website and Social Media
  • Student Issues Triage
  • Travel Authorizations

Miah Dreger, Interim Associate Dean –, 860.832.1819

  • Academic Program Development 
  • Budget Reports 
  • Community Engagement Liaison
  • Dual Enrollment Programs with High Schools
  • Graduate Capstones
  • Graduate Studies Committee (guest attendee)
  • Independent Studies, Internships, and Cooperative Education
  • Interdisciplinary Collaborations
  • Strategic Planning

Sarah Maurer, Associate to the Dean –, 860.832.2575

  • Academic Standards Committee
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Faculty Advising Workshops 
  • Grants & Funded Research Liaison
  • Lab Safety Standards
  • Promoting Faculty & Student Research

Ravindra Thamma, Associate to the Dean,, 860.832.3516

  • Academic Advising Committee
  • Academic Assessment 
  • Advising Center Liaison 
  • CSCU College of Technology 
  • Engineering & Technology Facilities – Day-to-Day Oversight, Safety, and Lab Monitors
  • Faculty Advising Workshops
  • Faculty Load Management
    • Appointment Forms 
    • Course Scheduling
    • Reassigned Time
  • Student Admissions & Registration Issues
    • Bachelor of General Studies Majors - SEST
    • Course Substitutions
    • Credit Overloads
    • Double Majors
    • Grade Changes over a Year
    • Graduate Admissions
    • International Student Recruitment and Support
    • Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission
    • Retroactive Withdrawals
    • Special Studies
    • University Withdrawals

Luz Amaya, SEST Leadership Fellow –, 860.832.1818

  • Admitted Students Days and Open Houses 
  • Community Engagement Liaison
  • CSCU College of Technology
  • Faculty/Employer Fellowships
  • SEST CareerLink
  • SEST Days