Biomolecular Sciences, MS

Central to Exploring Vast Possibilities.

With a Central MS in Biomolecular Sciences, you delve into recent advances in cell and molecular biology. Prepare for a career in biomedical science, pharmaceuticals, genetic testing, immunology, cancer biology, or to pursue your doctorate or enhance your teaching skills.

Program Features

  • Starts every January and August
  • 30-credit program
  • Attend full- or part-time
  • Opportunities to participate in conferences as an active researcher
  • Professional engagement with other researchers
  • Access to engaged faculty invested in your success
  • Specialized facilities including:
    • Culture facility
    • Microbiology lab
    • Animal suites
    • Fluorescent microscopes
    • Histology facility
    • Real-time PCR machine
  • Microbiology lab equipped for studies of:
    • Cell biology
    • Microbiology
    • Developmental biology
    • Neurobiology
    • Genetics
    • Physiology
    • Genomics
  • Financial aid is available
  • No GMAT/GRE required

Admissions Contact

Graduate Recruitment & Admissions

Academic Contact

Michael Davis
Biomolecular Sciences
Nicolaus Copernicus Hall

Academic Department

Did You Know?

The median annual wage for medical scientists was $91,500 in May of 2020 and employment is projected to grow 17% over the next ten years.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge in biomolecular science, including an understanding of:
    • the connection between molecular properties and cellular activities,
    • the connection between cellular activities and biological responses,
    • cellular structure and function, including chemical composition, physiochemical and functional organization of organelles, and basic cellular metabolism,
    • major cellular processes, including DNA replication, gene regulation, protein structure and function, cell signaling, and differentiation,
    • the role of molecular and cellular processes in human health and disease, 
    • contemporary techniques used in cell and molecular biology;
  2. Be able to evaluate papers from the scientific literature and present oral and written critiques; 
  3. Develop research questions and the approach they will use to address that question; and 
  4. Successfully complete a research project, analyze and evaluate the data generated and present their findings in both an oral and written format.