Naming opportunities exist at various giving levels to encourage our donors to leave a legacy based on their individual desires. Here is a sample of just some of the naming opportunities available:
Endowed Scholarship, Prizes and Awards
Endowed funds generate income from the principle donation which is invested with the assets of the CCSU Foundation, Inc. Endowed scholarships play a crucial role in the recruitment and retention of a diverse student body and recognize academic achievement. Prizes and awards allow Central to recognize outstanding work of our undergraduate and graduate students.
Faculty Development
Faculty development can play a vital role in improving student success. Put simply, good teaching improves student learning. Faculty who focus on improving their teaching skills become more effective in the classroom. Changes in faculty practice, such as redesigning courses to improve students' critical thinking skills, have a high and positive impact on student learning. Developing a deeper understanding of how learning occurs and how best to support learning are other examples of how faculty can develop into more effective professors, mentors, and advisors. Recognizing innovative faculty activities that increase access to higher education and enhance advising and community engagement are related goals that can be critical to student success.
Academic Programs
Your gift can name a college, school, department, center, institute, lecture series, or special fund, such as an Endowed Chair. These endowments provide a margin of excellence for the programs they support. The value of an asset and the gift amount required to name it vary. Gift agreements are required before Institutional Advancement may submit the naming for approval by the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education.
Naming a building, classroom, lab, conference room, dean’s or coach’s suite, athletic facility is a remarkably easy to leave your legacy at Central. These endowed gifts allow us to build new and continuously update existing facilities so that Central students gain competitive advantage by learning in state-of-the-art environments. The amount of the gift to name a facility is dependent on several factors, including the size, use, and purpose of the space.
Because the financial requirements for naming opportunities differ, donors are encouraged to meet with Lisa Marie Bigelow, Director of Institutional Advancement. To request an appointment, contact (860) 832-1765 or email Bigelow@ccsu.edu.
Central and The CCSU Foundation, Inc. may modify or withdraw any naming recognition granted pursuant to a gift agreement if the donor(s) commits any act or omission that would reflect negatively on the University or bring its name into disrepute.