Scholarships available for MS Supply Chain and Logistics Management students
Provides funds to support a continuing student in the School Engineering, Science & Technology who shows evidence of outstanding academic and career potential, or an incoming first-year student with high academic achievement. Financial need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.
Provides scholarship funds for junior or senior level students in the School of Engineering, Science & Technology with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Nominees shall show evidence of outstanding academic and career potential. Financial need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.
Provides scholarships to full-time matriculated undergraduate students with a minimum of 30 hours of earned academic credit at the University who demonstrate a lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education thereby financing educational costs through full and part-time employment. Preference will be given to students pursuing academic majors in the School of Business or the School of Engineering and Technology. Recipients must be Connecticut residents.
Awarded to underrepresented students majoring in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with preference given to candidates who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central's Women's Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women, or any university initiative dedicated to preparing women for STEM-related careers. Candidates shall have earned a minimum of 24 credits at the University and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Provides support to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business and the School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology with demonstrated promise in entrepreneurial careers or new venture creation, or who manage small business enterprises. Ideally the recipient will have demonstrated leadership and service to the University through active participation in Intercollegiate Athletics or other leadership development activities. Preference shall be given to students with a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00.
Provides a scholarship for a sophomore, junior or senior majoring in a STEM discipline with a 3.0 cumulative g.p.a. and financial need. Preference will be given to students with extracurricular activities.
Provides scholarships for junior or senior students in the School of Engineering, Science & Technology based on scholastic achievement and character. Recipients who are junior students must be considered for renewal provided scholastic achievement is satisfactorily maintained. Formerly known as the Litton Industries Scholarship.
Provides scholarships to students who are residents of Connecticut and who are pursuing careers in transportation or logistics.