This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Program Rationale:
The Master of Science in Mathematics provides certified elementary and middle school teachers with additional content and pedagogical knowledge that will make them effective elementary or middle school teachers. (Note: There are two tracks in this program, one focusing on elementary grades and the other on middle grades.)
Program Learning Outcomes:
Students in this program will be expected to:
- deepen their comprehension of mathematics by re-examining, in detail, the mathematics topics taught in elementary or middle school, using topics introduced in the undergraduate program as a basis to build an increased understanding of the underlying mathematical structure;
- develop as reflective practitioners and self-motivated life-long learners who strive for continual improvement in their teaching and seek to facilitate deep student learning;
- understand emerging research on the psychological and intellectual development of children and adolescents and develop their understanding of current research on the teaching and learning of mathematics, trends and issues in mathematics curriculum, and the effective use of technology, data gathering and hands-on methods in the teaching of mathematics;
- acquire skills necessary to conduct research in mathematics education; and
- acquire skills necessary to make creative contributions to the field, such as writing, collecting data, and developing their own curriculum activities.
Admission Requirements:
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Applicants must also have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.70 on a 4.00 point scale (where A is 4.00), or its equivalent, and good standing (3.00 GPA) in all post-baccalaureate course work.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences may, at its discretion, admit an applicant with a GPA between 2.40 and 2.70 on an unconditional basis provided that the prospective student has both sufficient undergraduate course work and standardized test scores that meet any of the following standards:
• GRE (math subject area): 600 (45th percentile)
• GRE (general test quantitative reasoning): 720 (80th percentile)
• GMAT (quantitative): 50 (95th percentile)
The graduate application, application fee, and official transcripts are to be submitted to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office from each institution attended except Central Connecticut State University.
Contact: 860-832-0047
Course and Capstone Requirements:
(Plans A and C are offered as options. No more than nine credits at the 400 level may be counted toward the degree.)
Educational Foundations
One of the following:
Elementary/ Middle School Mathematics Education Core
Elementary school track:
Required Mathematics Courses
Mathematics Electives
Choose two courses from
Plan A:
33 credits consisting of 30 credits from the above listings plus MATH 599 Thesis (3 credits).
Plan C:
33 credits consisting of 30 credits from the listings above plus MATH 590 Special Project in Mathematics (3 credits).
Note: Once a Planned Program has been accepted, any change to it requires the approval of the student's advisor and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.