This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
MATH 218 Discrete Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 221 Calculus II 4 Credits
MATH 222 Calculus III 4 Credits
MATH 228 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4 Credits
STAT 315 Mathematical Statistics I 3 Credits
STAT 416 Mathematical Statistics II 3 Credits
STAT 425 Loss and Frequency Distributions and Credibility Theory 3 Credits
ACTL 335 Financial Mathematics I 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 40 Credits
Directed Electives (as approved by advisor)
ACTL 481 Review-SOA/CAS Course I 3 Credits
ACTL 482 Financial Mathematics II 3 Credits
MATH 300 Mathematics Internship 3 Credits
MATH 355 Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications 4 Credits
MATH 366 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 4 Credits
MATH 377 Introduction to Real Analysis 4 Credits
AC 211 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 Credits
AC 212 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 Credits
CS 151 Computer Science I 3 Credits
CS 152 Computer Science II 3 Credits
CS 213 Applications of Computing I 3 Credits
CS 473 Simulation Techniques 3 Credits
ECON 460 Economic Forecasting 3 Credits
FIN 295 Managerial Finance 3 Credits
FIN 301 Intermediate Managerial Finance 3 Credits
FIN 310 Principles of Investments 3 Credits
FIN 320 Financial Markets and Institutions 3 Credits
LAW 250 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 3 Credits
MGT 295 Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
Note: ECON 200 and ECON 201 are strongly recommended.
Total Credit Hours: 18 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 58