Admissions Contact

Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions

Academic Department

Jennifer Piatek
Earth and Space Sciences
Nicolaus Copernicus Hall

Academic Department

Astronomy, Minor

18 credits in Astronomy and related fields, including AST 208 and 209. The remaining courses will be selected from AST 278, 378, 418, 470, 478, or other electives after consultation with an Earth and Space Sciences department advisor. In addition, the student must take MATH 152, 221 and PHYS 125, 126.


This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.

Mark Evans
Mark Evans
Earth and Space Sciences
Gary Gomby
Earth and Space Sciences
Carol Ivers
Carol Ivers
Planetarium Director
Earth and Space Sciences
Kristine Larsen
Kristine Larsen
Earth and Space Sciences
Steven Newman
Professor Emeritus
Earth and Space Sciences
Oluyinka Oyewumi
Oluyinka Oyewumi
Earth and Space Sciences
Jennifer Piatek
Jennifer Piatek
Earth and Space Sciences
Gregory Simones
Earth and Space Sciences
Jeffrey Thomas
Professor of Science Education and Earth and Space Sciences
Earth and Space Sciences
Michael Wizevich
Michael Wizevich
Earth and Space Sciences