Contact Information

John Lewis Institute for Social Justice
Beth Frankel Merenstein
Associate Vice President
Center for Community Engagement and Social Research
Lawrence J. Davidson Hall
Evelyn Phillips
Professor Emeritus
Geography, Anthropology, & Tourism
Professor, Department Chair
Asian American & Pacific Islander Studies, Minor
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall
Audra King
Associate Professor, Department Chair
Social Justice Minor
International Studies: Global Studies | BA
Willard-DiLoreto Hall

Our Definition of Social Justice

Social Justice:

Social justice is a communal effort dedicated to creating and sustaining a fair and equal society in which each person and all groups are valued and affirmed. It encompasses efforts to end systemic violence and racism and all systems that devalue the dignity and humanity of any person. It recognizes that the legacy of past injustices remains all around us, so therefore promotes efforts to empower individual and communal action in support of restorative justice and the full implementation of human and civil rights. Social justice imperatives also push us to create a civic space defined by universal education and reason and dedicated to increasing democratic participation.