Instructions for transfers of ID Confirm DTC eligible securities:
Call and tell your broker the name and amount of the securities you wish to transfer to the Foundation. This should be confirmed in writing. Give your broker the transfer information below. Ask your broker to call and inform the Foundation of the transfer: (860) 832-0712.
SEI Private Trust Company
DTC Participant # 2039
Institution Number: 94952 (to be used by Non-ID participants only) ID Agent Number: 94952
Agent Internal Account Number: 11102-C
Interested Party #1: CCSU Foundation Inc. – Stock Acct (Main)
Interested Party #1 Account Number: 15957-STK Attn: Rosie LaPlante
SEI Institutional Middle Office
Telephone: (610) 676-1738
Fax: (484) 676-1738
Instructions for electronic transfer of cash:
Wells Fargo Bank
San Francisco, CA
ABA#: 121000248 (for wire transfers) ABA# 026012881 (for ACH transfers) Account #: 2000003418367
Account Name: SEI Private Trust Company
For Further Credit to: SEI Account # 15957
SEI Account Name: CCSU Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Rosie LaPlante
SEI Institutional Middle Office
Telephone: (610) 676-1738
Fax: (484) 676-1738
The Foundation’s tax identification number is: 23-7354328