Powers and Responsibilities of the Senate

According the Constitution of the Central Faculty Senate—

2.1 Within the limits imposed by the Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University, academic policies of the University are a responsibility of the faculty of the University. The powers of the faculty are delegated to the Faculty Senate, which represents the will of the faculty.

2.2 The Faculty Senate has decision-making authority in such areas as curriculum matters, degree requirements, scholastic standards, academic freedom, admission policies, and student behavior.

2.3 The Faculty Senate serves in an advisory capacity in the appointment of administrative officers, budget and planning matters, university organizational structure, promotion and tenure policy, and in other matters affecting the educational quality and mission of the university.

2.4 The Faculty Senate is the sole legislative body representing the faculty. Therefore, all of the University's Standing Committees shall report directly to the Faculty Senate. Furthermore, each standing committee, except those dealing with individual personnel or individual student issues (such as the Mediation, Termination, Promotion and Tenure, and Grade Appeals committees), which shall follow any reporting procedures specified by their committee by-laws, shall send one copy of all minutes and reports to the Secretary of the Faculty Senate. The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall forward the minutes and reports to the President of the Faculty Senate, and each Senator shall receive a copy of the minutes and reports or be able to download a copy of the minutes and reports from any University standing committee. Any jurisdictional question arising out of the work of a standing committee shall be decided by the Faculty Senate.