Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Central's Emergency Notification System?
Central utilizes an off-site service (Everbridge) to provide quick distribution of time-sensitive emergency messages to multiple devices selected by the individual campus members.

2. What types of emergencies are covered?
The ENS is intended for use in announcing major university-wide emergencies. These might include a major fire; hazardous material spill; major weather incident; campus safety concern; campus closing due to severe winter weather; and other events that threaten the entire campus. More contained situations (for example, kitchen fire in one dormitory) would be handled in other ways, and students, faculty, and staff would be contacted using communications systems other than ENS, such as a fire alarm, campus crime advisory, or an inclement weather warning.

3. How are members of the Central community enrolled in the ENS?
All members currently employed at Central or enrolled in courses at the University are automatically enrolled in the ENS. The primary emergency contact number provided by students when they register for courses and the emergency contact information provided by faculty and staff from their employment records automatically become part of the ENS and will be used only and expressly for ENS notifications.

This information will be uploaded to the ENS on a weekly basis throughout the year, thus enrolling new employees and students as well as any changes made by individuals to their personal contact information. This will also remove personal contact information when the individual leaves the University.

4. How will the ENS notifications be sent out?
In most cases, students, faculty, and staff have provided a cell phone number for their emergency contact number; a notice will also go out via individual's campus email. Additional contact devices such as an off-campus phone, personal text messaging, or home phone may be added as desired.

5. May I opt out of the ENS?
No. The University has decided that the optimal way to enhance personal safety and the safety of others on campus is through the widest possible participation in the ENS. Previously, less than 20 percent of the campus had registered for the ENS.

6. Will my privacy be compromised by being registered in the ENS?
No. Central respects the privacy of its community. The information gathered for the ENS is confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of contacting members of the Central community in the event of a campus-wide emergency.

7. What are the costs?
If the system you designated as your emergency contact number charges for incoming text or voice messages those charges would apply and be levied by your service provider.

8. How can I change my emergency contact information?
Students should contact the Registrar's Office (860-832-2236). All others should contact Human Resources (860-832-1753).

9. Will the University test the system? If so, when will I know that?
The University will conduct periodic tests of the ENS. You will be notified in advance of all emergency tests and drills, and test messages will be identified as such.

10. What should students, faculty, and staff do?
Perhaps the most important step is to become familiar with the vital safety information linked below:

Printable Brochures

Click HERE for the Faculty and Staff Guide to Threat Assessment including contact information for team members. Remember, call 911 in any emergency.

Click HERE for the Faculty Guide to Students in Distress.