The Applied Innovation Hub, new home of the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain…
The Applied Innovation Hub, new home of the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain…
Built in 1957, this facility is named for Clarence F. Carroll, the sixth principal of the State Normal School, the founding institution of Central…
The Elihu Burritt Library provides access to print and electronic books and periodicals, media materials, and databases. We offer students a number of…
Harrison J. Kaiser Hall is home to the Athletics Department and boasts a 4,500-seat gymnasium. Central is a Division-1 school and offers 16 men’s and…
Henry Barnard Hall is home to the George R. Muirhead Global Engagement and Interdisciplinary Education, which operates the Study Aboard Program…
Herbert D. Welte Hall houses one of Connecticut’s largest auditoriums, which has a capacity for nearly 1,900 people. It is commonly used to present…
The Central campus recreation department, RECentral, is in the C.J. Huang Recreation Center. RECentral, which operates all campus recreation, runs the…
James J. Maloney Hall is also known as the Fine Arts building and is home to the Theatre Department and the Art programs in the Art & Design…
James J. Maloney Hall is also known as the Fine Arts building and is home to the Theatre Department and the Art programs in the Art & Design…
The focal point of our campus and one of Central’s original buildings, Davidson Hall houses the Office of the President and those of the vice…
This building is an addition that has been added on to Marcus White. Home of the largest computer lab on campus, called "Tech Central." Here you will…
Built in 1928, Marcus White Hall was originally constructed as the first residence hall on campus. The houses faculty members offices of the Math and…
Named for Connecticut Normal School alumna Maria Louise Sanford, the building was completed in 1959. Sanford graduated from the future Central with…
Hall Mascot: Raptors Mid-Campus Residence Hall is Central’s newest living space. Suites consist of two to three bedrooms sharing a bathroom and…
Hall Mascot: Bobcat Mildred Barrows Residence Hall is Central's only exclusively female residence hall. Every three rooms share a bathroom. It also…
Copernicus Hall houses the School of Engineering, Science and Technology and maintains all Science classes. There is a planetarium on the second floor…
Also referred to as the Public Safety Building, Campus Police Department operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and promotes campus-wide safety with…
A state-of-the-art facility, Vance Academic Center houses the AACSB Accredited School of Business, the departments of Communication, Criminology…
The Student Center has become the hub of the campus. Built and opened to the student body in the Fall of 2002, it houses the University Bookstore…