Student Office Hours (previously referred to as “Office Hours”) provide students the opportunity to communicate and connect with faculty members outside of the classroom during dedicated time slots. Students may wish to meet with their professor during this time to ask questions about course content, seek assistance with practice problems or readings, or to review papers or exams. Attending Student Office Hours has been shown to have a positive impact on a student’s academic success in the classroom and allows students to establish connections with their instructors.
Course syllabi should clearly state where and how Student Office Hours will be held, so students can easily access the information they need to make the most of these valuable opportunities for one-on-one interaction with their professors.
Faculty members should periodically remind students of their availability during Student Office Hours, as well as highlight the existing resources that are available to them, such as tutoring and other sources of support.
Faculty are encouraged to consider using Microsoft Bookings to allow students to schedule appointments. Bookings works directly with Microsoft Outlook and faculty can schedule in-person or online meetings in time blocks they determine.