The purpose of study hall is to provide a structured approach to studying. Study hall sessions are monitored and quiet so that students can work uninterrupted. Student-athletes who participate in study hall sessions are expected to come to study hall on time with all the materials necessary for completing assignments and studying.
Attendance is reported weekly to the coaching staff.
Sunday 5pm-8:30pm
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm
Friday 8am-4:45pm
Students are required to meet with their assigned academic team mentor within the Academic Center on an individual basis at least once per week. Meeting with your team mentor will help student-athletes by providing opportunity to receive individualized academic advising and support. By reviewing their individual calendars and assignments with their team mentors, student-athletes can structure their time as they adapt to college life.
Students are required as freshmen to complete six hours a week of study hall within the Academic Center, or in approved outside locations. One hour will be completed every week for team study. Team study is led by a Team Advisor, and it is required for all freshmen and transfer students. It includes lessons in time management, and other social and life skills to ease the transition from high school to college.
Academic advising through the Academic Center for Student-Athletes is available, yet it is used as preliminary advising. Students are required to meet with their assigned faculty advisor through their academic major department if they have a declared major.
Students may use Team Advisors as an additional resource throughout their careers as student-athletes to help them keep track of meeting degree requirements and maintaining academic excellence.