Francophone African and Caribbean Literature
Francophone African Films
French Literature and Culture
Postcolonial Theory
Ph.D., French (African & Caribbean Francophone Literatures), University of Missouri- Columbia,
D.E.A: (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies), Francophone African Literatures, Université Nationale Cote d’Ivoire
Maîtrise: Lettres Modernes (French), Université de Cote d’Ivoire
Licence: Lettres Modernes (French), Université Nationale de Cote d’Ivoire
Francophone African literatures and cultures
Francophone African Cinema
Francophone Caribbean Literatures and Cultures
Post-colonial theory
Published Work:
Zadi, Samuel. “Solidarité en crise : des devoirs envers les parents dans l’œuvre de FatouDiome.” Droits de l’Homme en Arts, Littératures et Sciences Humaines en Afrique. Ed. Banhouma Kamaté. Paris: Edilivres, 2020: 143-160 .
Zadi, Samuel. “Kétala (de Fatou Diome) ou L'Anthropomorphisme à la Rescousse de la Dignité Humaine.” Journal of the African Literature Association, Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group (UK) (14) 2019: 167-744.
Zadi, Samuel. « Les Guérisseurs de Sidiki Bakaba : du Matérialisme aux Valeurs Spirituelles.» Sidiki Bakaba: Un engagement au service des Arts du spectacle africains. Ed. Banhouma Kamaté. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2019: 263-280.
Zadi, Samuel. "The Irony of 'African Solidarity' in Sembene Ousmane's Mandabi." Humanities. 7.7. (2018). Print
Zadi, Samuel. (with Andrea Frohne, Ghirmai Negash), Eds. At the Crossroads: Readings of the Postcolonialand the Global in African Literature and Visual Art. New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2014, Print. 359 pages.
Zadi, Samuel. « Guelwaar : An Opinion on Food Aid. » The Journal of the African Literature Association 5.1 (2010): 175-188. Print.
Zadi, Samuel. « ‘La Solidarité Africaine’ dans Le Ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome. » Nouvelles Études Francophones 25.3 (2010) : 75-82. Print.
Zadi, Samuel. "Monnè, Outrages et Défis d’Ahmadou Kourouma: Un Avis sur l’Impact de la Colonisation? At the Crossroads: Readings of the Postcolonial and the Global in African Literature and Visual Art. New Jersey: Africa World Press, (2014). 112-130. Print.
Zadi, Samuel. (with Andrea Frohne, Ghirmai Negash). “Introduction.” At the Crossroads: Readings of the Postcolonial and the Global in African Literature and Visual Art. New Jersey: Africa World Press, (2014). 5-33. Print.
Zadi, Samuel. « Réalité ou Travestissement: Image de l'Afrique dans Faat Kiné de Sembene Ousmane. » The French Review 82.3 (2009) : 84-95. Print.
Zadi, Samuel. « Pensée Imageante, Destruction et Déchéance dans l’œuvre d’Ahmadou Kourouma.» Un Donsomana pour Kourouma. ed. Pierre Kadi Sossou and Bernadette Kassi-Krecoum. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2007. 87-98. Print.
Book in Progress
Zadi, Samuel. " African Solidarity in Francophone African Literature and Films: Past and Present State of a raditional Value.”
Paper in progress
Zadi, Samuel. “Une Si Long Lettre [So Long a Letter] by Mariama Ba: African Solidarity Then and Now
Creative Work
Zadi, Samuel. (poet) and John Lane (composer): Songs for Eleanor: For Soprano, Clarinet & Piano. Settings in French and English of Original Francophone Poetry of Samuel Zadi.
Guest Reviewer for the following journals:
Research in African Literature (Based at Ohio State University)
Journal of African Literature Association (Routledge)
2020: “«Individualisme et communautarisme : tensions identitaires dans l’œuvre de Fatou Diome » Conference ‘Du Sense à l’Identité”. Université Alassane Ouattara de Bouaké. Cote d’Ivoire, March 3-7, 2020.
2019 : Kétala (de Fatou Diome) ou L'Anthropomorphisme à la Rescousse de la
Dignité Humaine.” African Literature Association Annual Convention. Columbus, Ohio, University, June 2018.
2019. «La Solidarité Africaine dans l’œuvre de Fatou Diome.» College Language Association Conference. North Carolina State University, April 2019.
2018: “ "Les Guérisseurs de Sidiki Bakaba: du Matérialisme aux Valeurs Spirituelles." Colloque International sur Sidiki Bakaba, Université de Cocody, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, November 2018.
June 2018, "L'Anthropomorphisme à la Rescousse de la Dignité HUmaine dans Kétala de Fatou Diome." Annual Convention of the African Literature Association. Washington DC, June 2018.
2017 : “ ‘African Solidarity’ in Traditional African Societies: Myth or Reality? A Study of African Traditional Tales.” African Literature Association Annual Convention, YALE University, June 2017.
2016: «Communautarism and Individualism in Sembene Ousmane’s Money Order. » ALA (African Literature Association) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, March 2015.
2015: « Conceptualisation et Pratique des la “Solidarité Africaine” dans Le Pagne Noir de Bernard Dadié. » ALA (African Literature Association) Annual Convention, Johannesburg (South Africa), April 2014.
2013: « ‘La Solidarité Africaine’ Hier et Aujourd’hui: Etude du Concept dans Mandabi de Sembene Ousmane.» ALA (African Literature Association), Charleston, SC, March 2013.
2012: « La Nouvelle Image de l’Afrique dans la série Adoras. » NEMLA (North Eastern Modern Language Association), Rochester, NY, March 2012.
2012: « La Technique Equilibriste de Sembene Ousmane. » ALA (African Literature Association), Dallas, TX, April 2012.
2011: « ‘La Solidarité Africaine’ dans Kétala de Fatou Diome: L’Enseignement aux Humains. » The African Literature Association Annual Convention. Ohio University, April 2011.
2010 : « Monnè Outrages et Défis d’Ahmadou Kourouma : Quel Avis sur la Colonisation ? » ALA (African Literature Association) Conference. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, March 2010.
2009: « La Nouvelle Image de l’Afrique dans les Films Tirés de la Collection Adoras. » African Literature Association Conference. The University of Vermont, Berlington, VT, April 2009.
2008 : « La communauté comme facteur de régression sociale dans Le Ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome. » ALA (African Literature Association) Conference. Macomb, IL, April 2008.
2008 :« Images Roses de l’Afrique dans Cache-Cache d’Amour et Le Pari de l’Amour de Didier Aufort. » Cincinnati Romance Conference, OH, May 2008.
2007 : « Le Dilemme de Sembene Ousmane: Comment Dénoncer sans Perpétuer les Stéréotypes? » Cincinnati Romance Conference. Cincinnati, OH, May 2007.
2006 « Monnè, la Métaphore du Train et les Promesses non-Tenues. » American Association of Teachers of French. Milwaukee, WI, July 2006.
2006: « Naturel Sénégalais, Masques Français chez Sembene Ousmane. » North Carolina Romance Conference. Chapell Hill, NC, March 2006.
2006: «Faat-Kiné, un Contre-Discours à l’Afro Pessimisme ? » Cincinnati Romance Conference. Cincinnati, May, 2006.
2005: « Pensée Imageante, Déchéance et Destruction dans l’Oeuvre d’Ahmadou Kourouma. » Conseil International d’Études Francophones. Gatineau, QC (Canada), June 2005.
2005: “Home Video Movies and Literature in Africa: from the Trap to the Stimulator.” African Literature Association. Boulder, CO, April 2005.
2005: “Giver or the Receiver, What Shall I Be? Sambène Ousmane’s Le Mandat and the Gift?” North American Christian Foreign Languages Association. Palos Heights, March 2005.
2000 :« De la Fonction poétique dans Le Baobab fou de Ken Bugul. » Cincinnati Annual Romance Conference. Cincinnati, OH, March 2000.
1999: “French Language in Former French Colonies.” The Future for Africa Conference. Columbia, MO, 1999.
1999: « Littérature Francophone Africaine: de l’Oralité à l’Ère Postcoloniale. » Institut des Sciences et Techniques de la Communication. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 1999.
1998: “Postcolonial Poetry from West-Africa: Pacéré Titinga and the Poetry of the Drum.” Goshen College, IN.
2015- Present: Assistant & Associate Professor of French & Coordinator of the French program – Central - Connecticut State University
2013- 2015: Senior Lecturer & Coordinator of the French Program – The University of Texas, San Antonio
2004 –2013: Assistant Professor & Associate Professor - Wheaton College, IL
2002-2004: Visiting Instructor - Goshen College, IN
1999-2002: Graduate Instructor - University of Missouri, Columbia
Central Connecticut State University
- 2021-Present: Chair of Central-MRRC (Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee)
- 2021-Present: Central-Academic Advising Committee
- 2022: member of Organizing Committee of the Central Conferences for Language Teachers
- 2017: Chair of Organizing Committee of the Central Conferences for Language Teachers
- 2017: Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Center of Africana Studies Conferences
- 2017 - Present: Chair, Curriculum Committee
- 2016-Present: HealthyFellows Campaing-Central
- 2016- Prepared the 1st Course Abroad by the Central French program
- 2015- Present: Curriculum Committee
- 2015: Student Recognition Committee
- 2015- Present: Coordinator of French program
- 2015- Present: French majors’ advisor