Curriculum Committee
Center for Teaching and Innovation
Applied Innovation Hub
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
8:30 am - 9:15 am
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
8:30 am - 9:15 am
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Or by appointment
Publications, Research & Presentations
Journal Publications
- E.Z. Moore, “Designing vent holes for Thermoforming Tooling Produced via Fused Deposition Modeling”, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Published 5/9/2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/09544089231173294
- J. Maru, J. Wang, B. Tsou, E.Z. Moore, D. Ross, O. Knight, S. Ramanathan, and F. Woreta, “Barriers in Ophthalmology Residency Applications for Students Identifying as Underrepresented in Medicine: A San Francisco Match Analysis”, Journal of Surgical Education, 2023; 80(7):971-980. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2023.04.009.
- J. C. Williams, A. Bray, J. Perry, E.Z. Moore, O. Sorenson, and D. Ross, “Testing the association of racial phenotype and medical student clerkship scores” ", Academic Medicine, submitted.
- T.P. Wijesekera, M. Kim, E.Z. Moore, O. Sorenson, and D.A. Ross, "All Other Things Being Equal: Exploring Race and Sex Disparities in Medical School Honor Society Induction", Academic Medicine, 94(4) p562-569, 2019.
- P.E. Maruca-Sullivan. C.E. Lane-Ahern, E.Z. Moore, D.A. Ross, "Plagiarized letters of recommendation submitted for the National Resident Matching Program", Academic Medicine, 52(6) 632-640, DOI: 10.1111/medu.13546, 2018.
- D.A. Ross, D. Boatright, M. Nunez-Smith, A. Jordan, A. Chekroud, M. K. Johnson, and E. Z. Moore, "Differences in words used to describe racial and gender groups in Medical Student Performance Evaluation", PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0181659, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181659, 2017.
- D. Boatright, D.A. Ross, P. O’Connor, E.Z. Moore, M. Nunez-Smith "Racial Disparities in Alpha Omega Alpha Membership", Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, 177(5), doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.9623, 2017.
- E.Z. Moore, K.D. Murphy, E.G. Rey, and J.M. Nichols, "Identification of Uniform Corrosion Damage on a Thin Plate Using a Bayesian Framework", Journal of Sound and Vibration, March, 112-125, 2015.
- D.A. Ross and E.Z. Moore, “A Quantitative Experimental Paradigm to Optimize Construction of Rank Order Lists in the National Resident Matching Program: The ROSS-MOORE Approach”, Academic Medicine, 88(9):1281-1286, 2013.
- E.Z. Moore, J.M. Nichols, and K.D. Murphy, "Optimization of Sensor Location for Model-Based SHM: Experimental Validation", Structural Health Monitoring, 12(3): 197-206, 2013.
- E.Z. Moore, J.M. Nichols, and K.D. Murphy, "Model-Based SHM: Experimental Identification of a Cracked Plate Using Free Vibration Data," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 29, 284–295, 2012.
- J.M. Nichols, E.Z. Moore, and K.D. Murphy "Bayesian Identification of a Cracked Plate Using a Population-Based Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method," Computers & Structures, 89(13-14): 1323 - 1332, 2011.
- E.Z. Moore, K.D. Murphy, and J.M. Nichols, "Crack Identification in a Freely Vibrating Plate Using Bayesian Parameter Estimation," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25(6): 2125 - 2134, 2011.
- R. Altendorfer, E. Z. Moore, H. Komsuoglu, M. Buehler, H. B. Brown Jr., D. McMordie, U. Saranli, R. Full, and D. E. Koditschek, "RHex: A Biologically Inspired Hexapod Runner," Autonomous Robots, 11: 207 - 213, 2001.
A. Gates, E.Z. Moore, and K. Swift, Design with Finite Element Analysis, Self-published, revised 2015.
Book Chapters
R. Altendorfer, U. Saranli, H. Komsuoglu, D.E. Koditschek, H.B. Brown Jr., M. Buehler, N. Moore, D. McMordie, and R. Full, "Evidence for Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Running in a Hexapod Robot," in D. Rus and S. Singh, editors, "Experimental Robotics VII," p. 291-302, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Conference Papers and Presentations
- E.Z. Moore, “The Design and Testing of Thermoforming Tooling Produced via Fused Deposition Modeling”, SPE TopCon, April 18-21, 2022.
- J. Maru, J. Wang, B. Tsou, E.Z. Moore, D. Ross, O. Knight, S. Ramanathan, and F. Woreta, “Barriers in Ophthalmology Residency Applications for Students Identifying as Underrepresented in Medicine: A San Francisco Match Analysis”, AUPO National Conference 2022.
- E.Z. Moore, “10 Minute Labs: A Case Study in Teaching Spatial Visualization Strategies with Minimal Instruction Time”, Middle Atlantic ASEE Section Spring 2021 Conference, April 9 - 10, 2021.
- E.Z. Moore, “All Other Things Being Equal: Exploring Race and Sex Disparities in Medical School Honor Society Induction”, 2018 CSCU Faculty Research Conference, Windham, CT, March 15, 2018.
- E.Z. Moore, “Racial Disparities in Alpha Omega Alpha Membership”, 2017 CSCU Faculty Research Conference, New Britain, CT, March 22, 2017.
- D. Boatright, D.A. Ross, E.Z. Moore, and M. Nunez-Smith, “The Relationship Between Medical Student Race and Ethnicity and Induction into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society”, The AAMC Annual Meeting and the AAMC Medical Education Meeting, Seattle WA, November 11-15, 2016.
- D.A. Ross, D. Boatright, M. Nunez-Smith, A. Jordan, and E.Z. Moore, “Racial and Gender Disparities in the National Resident Matching Program: a textual analysis of Medical Student Performance Evaluations”, The AAMC Annual Meeting and the AAMC Medical Education Meeting, Seattle WA, November 11-15, 2016.
- F.-S. Wei, E. Moore and A. Gates, “An Intermeshing Rotor Helicopter Design and Test”, AIAA SciTech, Kissimmee FL, January 5-9, 2015.
- D.A. Ross and E.Z. Moore, “Professional Ranking: How college sports can teach you to construct a better match list”, 41st Annual AADPRT, San Diego, CA, March 8–10, 2012.
- K.D. Murphy, E.Z. Moore, and J.M. Nichols, "Identifying Structural Damage in a Cracked Plate Using a Model-Based Bayesian Methodology," MATHMOD 2012 - 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna, Austria, February 15-17, 2012.
- E.Z. Moore, K.D. Murphy, and J.M. Nichols, "Measuring the Average Thickness of a Plate Using a Bayesian Method and Free Vibration Data," 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stamford, CA, September 13–15, 2011.
- E.Z. Moore, K.D. Murphy, and J.M. Nichols, "Crack Detection in a Freely Vibrating Plate Using Bayesian Parameter Estimation," 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics Southampton, England, July 12–14, 2010.
- E.Z. Moore, J.M. Nichols, and K.D. Murphy, "The Effects of Crack Size on Crack Identification in a Freely Vibrating Plate Using Bayesian Parameter Estimation," 5th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sorrento, Italy, June 29–July 2, 2010.
- E.Z. Moore, D. Campbell, F. Grimminger, and M. Buehler, "Reliable Stair Climbing in the Simple Hexapod 'RHex'," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Washington DC, USA, May 2002.
- H. Komsuoglu, E. Z. Moore, U. Saranli, B. Brown, D. Mcmordie, M. Buehler, R. J. Full, D. E. Koditschek, "Reliable Stair Climbing in the Simple Hexapod 'RHex'," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Washington DC, USA, May 2002.
- H. Komsuoglu, E.Z. Moore, U. Saranli, B. Brown, D. Mcmordie, M. Buehler, R. J. Full, D. E. Koditschek “Dynamical gaits and energy efficiency in a hexapod robot," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Washington DC, USA, May 2002.
- H. Komsuoglu, D. McMordie, U. Saranli, N. Moore, M. Buehler, and D. E. Koditschek, "Proprioception Based Behavioral Advances in Hexapod Robot," IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seoul, Korea, v4 p3650-3655, May 2001.
- E.Z. Moore and M. Buehler, "Stable Stair Climbing in a Simple Hexapod", Int. Conf. Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 2001.
- H. Komsuoglu, R. Altendorfer, R. Full, U. Saranli, B. Brown, D. McMordie, E.Z. Moore, M. Buehler, and D. Koditschek, "Evidence for Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Running in a Hexapod Robot," International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Honolulu, HI, Dec. 2000.
Awards & Grants
- 2011 – UConn Engineering Research Presentation Competition – 1st runner up
- 2012-13 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2013-14 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2015-16 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2016-17 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2017-18 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2019-20 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2023-24 – CCSU Excellence in Teaching – Honor Roll
- 2024 NASA funded CT Space Grant to develop a freshman design competition
- 2017 CCSU Curriculum Development Grant: Automated Problem Generation for Engineering Statics via Matlab ($1800)
- 2015 NASA funded CT Space Grant for an undergraduate project on Structural Topological Optimization ($1000).
- 2013 NSF funded ENGAGE Spatial Visualization Skills mini-grant. Grant funded a workshop in spatial visualization for at-risk undergraduate STEM students ($2500).
- 2012 NASA funded CT Space Grant for an undergraduate project on Stereoscopic Imaging and Mapping for Planetary Rovers ($1000).
- 2011 NASA funded CT Space Grant for an undergraduate project on Internal Combustion Engine Control ($1000).
Memberships & Affiliations
- Society of Plastics Engineers, member since 2021.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, member since 2007.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New Haven Section Board (2012-2016), Program Coordinator and Treasurer.
Courses Taught
Fall 2024
ENGR 150 Introduction to Engineering (FYE)
ME 345 Statistical Analysis of Operations
ENGR 510 Engineering Optimization
Courses previously taught
- ME 216 Manufacturing Processes (Lecture)
- ME 217 Manufacturing Processes (Lab)
- ME 345 Engineering Statistical Analysis of Operations
- ME 360 Manufacturing Operations Analysis and Simulation
- ME 370 Instrumentation
- ME 460 Manufacturing System Design
- ME 497 Senior Project I
- ME 498 Senior Project II
- ME 563 Additive Manufacturing Processes
- ENGR 150 Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 240 Computational Methods for Engineers
- ENGR 251 Statics
- ENGR 290 Technical Writing
- ENGR 510 Engineering Optimization
- ET 251 Statics
- ET 252 Dynamics
- ET 357 Strength of Materials
- ETM 360 Computer Aided Planning
- ETM 466 Design for Manufacture
- ETM 467 Finite Element Analysis
- ETM 498 Senior Project II
- ETM 510 Optimization
- ETM 542 Production Cost Estimation
Faculty Advisor to Student Clubs
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Society of Automotive Engineers - FSAE race team