Interests and Hobbies: Spending an absurd amount of time perfecting my lawn-mowing skills (because grass should be flawless, right?) and indulging in a slightly concerning obsession with all things true crime.
Bio: I am excited to introduce myself as the Director of Residence Life. Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, I moved to Connecticut in 1993 and have called it home ever since. As a first-generation student, I know firsthand how higher education and living on campus can transform your life. I remember those days of juggling part-time jobs, endless assignments, and trying not to burn my ramen noodles in the microwave. It was a rollercoaster ride, but the residence halls were my safety harness. Now, I'm here to help our residents navigate their own wild college adventures (not too wild though, please remember to follow the policies and protocols we have in place). You’ll be graduating as proud Blue Devils and launching into careers that are purposeful, rewarding, and, most importantly, bring you as much joy as an Amazon gift card! But enough about me. Welcome to Central and thank you for choosing to live on campus. You're going to do great!
My Life Lessons So Far
Forrest Gump was right: life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you're going to get. With this in mind, strive to tip the scales in favor of a positive outcome. Consider things from all angles. Surround yourself with those who care about and uplift you. Avoid negative influences, people, places, and bad habits. Keep trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get easier, and if it’s meant to be, it will be.
“Remember: Enjoy your life today, because yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come.”
― Alan Coren