Erica Nelson is a classically trained dancer who received her BFA in Dance Performance with University Honors from The Hartt School, University of Hartford. She is pursuing her Master’s in Arts Leadership and Cultural Management from Colorado State University. Erica has been teaching at Central since 2017 in the Dance Education Department as an adjunct faculty member and production manager. Her courses include Beginning and Intermediate Ballet, Beginning Modern, Dance History, and Dance Production and Administration. She also acts as the faculty advisor and Director of the student dance performance company, Dancentral. In addition to her educational and extracurricular leadership at the school, Erica works part time as an assistant director in technical operations producing, directing, and stage-managing events at the university. When not at Central, she teaches dance at local studios in the private sector, stage manages for local and regional companies, and runs her own contemporary dance company, The END Ensemble, based out of Hartford, CT.
Performing Arts Administration, Educational Leadership, Choreography, Dance Education, Production & Stage Management
Vaganova/Cecchetti Ballet Technique
Limón and Graham Modern Technique
Dance Medicine/Physical Therapy & Conditioning
Excellence in Teaching Award Finalist, CCSU, 2023
Excellence in Teaching Award Honor Roll, CCSU, 2022
Excellence in Teaching Award Honor Roll, CCSU, 2020
National Engaged Leader Award, Sigma Alpha Pi, 2015
Domingo!, Hartford Open Streets Program, 2022
Arts on Call, International Festival of Arts & Ideas, 2021
Artist Fellowship, CT Office of the Arts, 2019
National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, Member
American College Dance Association, Member, Faculty Representative
National Dance Education Organization, Member
Connecticut Dance Alliance, Advisory Board Member, Hartford Regional Coordinator
DAN 152 - Beginning Ballet
DAN 252 - Intermediate Ballet
DAN 151 - Beginning Modern
DAN 299 - Dance History
DAN 200 - Dance Practicum
- Fall: Dance Production
- Winter: Dance for Camera
- Spring: Dance Administration