Conversation analysis, interpersonal communication, social support, communication disfluencies
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Pudlinski, C. (2019). Formulating another’s report of troubles in peer support. Communication and Medicine, 16(1), 67-80.
Pudlinski, C. (2012). The pursuit of advice on US peer telephone helplines: Sequential and functional aspects. In H. Limberg & M. A. Locher (eds.), The Discourse of Advice (pp. 233-252). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Pudlinski, C. & Hazan, S. (2012). First-year experience: Practice and process. In J. Fried (and associates), Transformative Learning through Engagement: Student Affairs Practice as Experiential Pedagogy (pp. 171-178). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Pudlinski, C. (2009). Empowerment on warm lines: Microanalytical explorations of peer encouragement. Text & Talk, 29, 439-458.
Pudlinski, C. (2008). Encouraging responses to good news on a peer support line. Discourse Studies, 10, 795-812.
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Pudlinski, C. (2005). The mitigation of advice: Interactional dilemmas of peers on a telephone support service. In C. Baker, M. Emmison, & A. Firth (Eds.), Calling for help: Language and social interaction in telephone helplines (pp. 109-131). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Pudlinski, C. (2005). Doing empathy and sympathy: Caring responses to troubles tellings on a peer support line. Discourse Studies, 7, 267-288.
Pudlinski, C. (2004). The pros and cons of different warm line settings. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 28, 72-74.
Pudlinski, C. (2003). The multiplicity of response options in social support situations. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 4, 23-30.
Pudlinski, C. (2002). Solving the ideological dilemmas of peer social support: Microanalysis of provider strategies on a warm line. New Jersey Journal of Communication, 10, 208-227.
Pudlinski, C. (2002). Accepting and rejecting advice as competent peers: Caller dilemmas on a warm line. Discourse Studies, 4, 481-499.
Pudlinski, C. (2001). Contrary themes on three consumer-run warm lines. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 397-400.
Pudlinski, C. (1998). Giving advice on a consumer-run warm line: Implicit and dilemmatic practices. Communication Studies, 49, 322-341.
Nonverbal Communication; Research Methods; Interpersonal Communication; Relational Communication; Public Speaking, Training & Development, etc.