Athletic Training Professional Program Costs


In addition to customary university fees, students majoring in athletic training are responsible for supplementary costs related to the Athletic Training Professional Program (ATPP). This may include the cost of certifications, transportation to assigned clinical field experience sites and/or observations, electronic software tracking fees, liability insurance, as well as the purchase of professional attire.

*All Program Fees are listed below are subject to change!


Full -Time Students tuition varies based on In- State Tuition vs. Out of State Tuition. On-campus housing and meal plans vary in cost depending on your selection and needs.

Cost: Please use the “Tuition, On-Campus Housing, Meal Plan and other Possible Common Fees Schedule” CALCULATOR for estimating the fees:

Health Insurance

Voluntary Sickness plan for full time and Accident/Sickness plan for part-time students is available with enrollment via Aetna website


Physical Examination and Immunizations:

All full time students are required to submit a completed Connecticut State University Student Health Services Form prior to matriculating. For most students, proof of adequate immunization against measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and varicella (chicken pox) along with completion of the Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment.

Cost: Varies depending on your immunization needs

ATPP Vaccinations Requirements

Influenza Vaccination is mandatory for all clinical experiences and surgical observations during ATR 500, ATR 501, ATR 502, ATR 503, ATR 504, ATR 505, ATR 506

Cost: Approximately $25.00 through local pharmacy or free with appropriate medical insurance.

PPD Vaccination is required annually for students involved in both the pre-acceptance clinical field experience and professional program clinical field experience.

Cost: $ 10.00 at Central Health Service charged to your Blue Chip Account

Student Liability Insurance

Covered by Central for students enrolled in ATPP

Cost: $ 0.00

Personal Student Liability Insurance: Required for ATR 506

ATR 506 requires the student to purchase personal liability insurance.

Cost: $35.00 per year (Rates vary based on insurance company)

CPR Professional Rescuer

Current CPR for Professional Rescuer Course is mandatory for all students enrolled in the MSAT Professional Program (provided at no cost annually in January through Central Athletic Training Department)

Cost: $ 30.00 CPR Card (2-year certification)

EMT Certification Course:

Current EMT certification is a requirement for acceptance into the MSAT program.

EMT Refresher Course

Initial EMT Certification is a 2-year certification; therefore it may be necessary for you to take an EMT refresher course in order to maintain EMT certification through graduation from the ATPP program. For a listing of available “Refresher EMT Certification Courses” go to the CT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH - OEMS

Cost: $250.00 - $350.00 (varies based on providers)


Khaki Pants and/or Khaki Shorts are to be purchased by the student as required in the dress code policy. Polo staff shirts are provided free of charge while enrolled in the clinical aspect of the program. Lab shorts and t-shirts are required for ATR 500, ATR 501, ATR 502, ATR 503, ATR 504, ATR 505, ATR 506 and are provided free of charge.

Cost: Varies


Athletic training students are required and scheduled for various off-campus observations and clinical fieldwork. The athletic training student is responsible for transportation to all observations and clinical sites. The cost is for transportation is the responsibility of the student.

Cost: Varies


Professional Membership

The National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) annual fee includes membership to District I -Eastern Athletic Trainers Association (EATA), and the Connecticut Athletic Trainers Association (CATA). Student membership to professional organizations such as the NATA and CATA is strongly recommended and encouraged.


BOC Certification Exam

ATPP students are eligible to be candidates for BOC CERTIFICATION in their final semester.