By requesting a loaner laptop you acknowledge and give consent for data sharing with campus offices as needed. You understand that your information will not be sold for any purpose. Examples of data shared include, but are not limited to student name and ID, enrollment status, etc. You also acknowledge that failure to complete this application in its entirety or provide appropriate documentation may result in delayed consideration of the application. If we approve your application for a loaner device, the University expects it to be returned to the Central IT Department at the end of the loan term. If you fail to return the device in working condition to the Central IT Department by that date, the university will assess a charge of up to $1000 depending on the model of the laptop to your student account, and you will responsible for payment of that charge.
Affidavit of Truth Statement and Release of Information: The information provided on the request form is, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and true. You understand that you are NOT eligible to receive services until the application process is complete. Your submission of this request serves as your signature.
Contact Information
Any questions about these terms should be directed to the Central Information Technology Help Desk at (860)832-1720 or techsupport@ccsu.edu.