Mission Statement

The English Department at Central Connecticut State University offers courses and programs in literature, writing, linguistics, and cinema that immerse students in intensive study of how language, literature, and writing shape the world and our experience of it. The sustained and rigorous study of literature and language sharpens students' skills as readers and writers, deepens their cultural knowledge, and broadens their engagement with the diversity of human thought and experience. The critical and analytical skills students develop prepare them to be productive and active citizens of a dynamic and pluralistic society. Our graduates are prepared for careers in teaching, writing, and publishing, as well as any pursuit that requires skills in written and oral communication and clear and creative thinking.

The study of literature is the primary focus of the department’s major programs and one of the core pillars of the humanistic tradition of liberal arts education, but also key training for a 21st century work force. Our faculty and courses help students build a foundation of literary, historical, and cultural knowledge based in the multiple traditions of literary texts and the worlds they reflect and express. Likewise, our writing and linguistics courses and programs of study provide crucial opportunities for building skills in communication, analysis, and reflection; these courses promote students’ critical skills while they prepare them for a variety of careers and opportunities to continue their education.

Our faculty make significant contributions to their fields in books and other research, but also actively participate in their students’ educational experiences through advising, guided individual research projects, and mentoring both of individual students and student organizations and publications. The English Department faculty shares the university’s commitment to our graduates and prepares them to contribute to the vitality and growth of the economy and communities of Connecticut and beyond.