Each search has an allocated amount of $3,200 for up to three (3) candidates with any one single candidate not to receive reimbursement in excess of $1,600. If a search has exceeded the allocated amount and the committee is adamant that the candidate should be reimbursed, the Department’s O&E account will be charged the additional costs.
Searches for Deans, Vice Presidents, and Executive Committee positions have an allocated amount of $10,000 which has been approved for airport and on-site interviews. If a search exceeds the $10,000, the Department’s O&E account will be charged the additional costs.
Travel, lodging and meal expenses for Administrative, Academic, and Athletic Coach Candidate Searches are to be charged to the following accounts:
- Administrative Position Searches - Banner Index BSRV07
- Athletic Coach Position Searches - Banner Index BSRV07
- Academic Position Searches - Banner Index ACAF06