This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Spanish (36 credits)
Major Core. For non-heritage speakers:
SPAN 125 Intermediate Spanish I 3 Credits
SPAN 126 Intermediate Spanish II 3 Credits
SPAN 128 Intensive Intermediate Spanish I 6 Credits
SPAN 225 Intermediate Spanish III 3 Credits
SPAN 226 Intermediate Spanish IV 3 Credits
SPAN 335 Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation 3 Credits
For heritage speakers:
SPAN 190 Language for Heritage Speakers of Spanish I 3 Credits
SPAN 191 Language for Heritage Speakers of Spanish II 3 Credits
SPAN 290 Hispanic Culture for Heritage Speakers of Spanish I 3 Credits
SPAN 291 Hispanic Culture for Heritage Speakers of Spanish II 3 Credits
SPAN 335 Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation 3 Credits
Spanish and Spanish-American Literature and Cultures
SPAN 300 Literary Analysis 3 Credits
SPAN 304 Introduction to Spanish Literature I 3 Credits
SPAN 305 Introduction to Spanish Literature II 3 Credits
SPAN 315 Spanish Civilization 3 Credits
SPAN 316 Latin American Civilization 3 Credits
SPAN 375 Introduction to Spanish American Literature I 3 Credits
Professional Education (34 credits)
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
EDTE 316 Principles of Learning in Diverse Settings (Secondary) 4 Credits
EDT 315 Educational Technology in the Secondary School Classroom 1 Credit
LLA 440 Literacy instruction in the Secondary School 3 Credits
EDSC 425 Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Teaching at the Secondary Level 3 Credits
EDSC 435 Secondary Education Student Teaching 9 Credits
WL 428 Methods and Materials for Teaching World Languages at Elementary School Level 3 Credits
WL 425 Field Work in World Language Education 1 Credit
WL 429 Seminar in Modern Language Teaching Methods 3 Credits
WL 440 Student Teaching Seminar in Modern Languages 1 Credit
Total Credit Hours: 120
For students with advanced preparation, appropriate substitutions will be made.
Specialization in Inter-University Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures
Students must complete 12 credits at one of our Spanish-speaking partner institutions abroad during one semester. The 12 credits may be taken in language, culture and/or literature as appropriate to the student's level of proficiency and upon recommendation of student's academic advisor at CCSU. These credits may apply to the core requirements of the major.
Note: Students of this specialization are strongly encouraged to complete their study abroad component during their sophomore year.