Our Mission
The mission of the Department of Counselor Education and Family Therapy at Central Connecticut State University is to develop self-aware professionals and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to empower diverse individuals, families, and communities to achieve their well-being, relationship, education, and career goals.
Our Values
We are committed to developing engaged, mindful learners who promote emotional growth and social and emotional competence over their lifespan, as well as professionals who value social justice, respect human dignity, and have open and flexible attitudes and skillsets.
Program Philosophy
With learning at the heart of our professional work environment, our fundamental responsibility is to empower students to attain the highest standards of academic achievement, public service and personal development. We value quality, intellectual integrity, openness to dialogue, participation by all members of the community in governance, and respect for the dignity, rights and aspirations of each member of the community. Our counseling and student development orientation includes an integration of a mindfulness-informed theoretical orientation within the Counseling coursework. Preparing students for enlightened and productive participation in a global society is our obligation. The mission of the master’s degree program in student development flows from this philosophical perspective. Graduates are prepared to function effectively as student development educators in rapidly changing institutions of higher education. Students are trained to understand and to meet the developmental needs of college students taking into account worldviews and expectations which are influenced by age, faith or religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status and other life-shaping perspectives.