
Recent News

Articles (440)
YWCA New Britain Volunteer/internship opportunity
The YWCA is seeking volunteers to come to their middle and high school programs on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteers would come during the first half of the program and
Alpha Kappa Delta International Honor Society - Induction Ceremony, Fall 2022
We congratulate Niya Blizzard-Ireland, Sasheika Hyde, Savannah Watts, Lucas Amestoy, Shawndia Jones, and Debra Kennedy, who were recently inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor
Congratulations to 2022 President Citation Awards winner Tia Meares!
Congratulations to Tia Meares (B.A. Sociology) for earning a 2022 President Citation's Award! The President’s Citation Award is presented annually to outstanding seniors nominated by faculty and staff
Apply to be a CCSU tour guide
Apply today to be a CCSU tour guide! Interested candidates can emila Kaylee Crockett at .
Need child care this spring?
The CCSU Drop-in Child Care Center at Carroll Hall is now enrolling for the Winter Intercession and Spring 2023 semester! In a recent expansion of University’s student support services, registered
Need child care this spring?
The CCSU Drop-in Child Care Center at Carroll Hall is now enrolling for the Winter Intercession and Spring 2023 semester! In a recent expansion of University’s student support services, registered
Central and Connecticut Explored make history
By Leslie Virostek Central Connecticut State University (Central) and Connecticut Explored, the state’s only history magazine, have signed a memorandum of understanding that benefits both entities, as
Climate change contest deadline extended
The Center for Community Engagement and Social Research (CCESR), Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC), and CCSU Geography Department are proud to announce an opportunity for
Call for presentations, posters, panels and performances
The Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC) and Central Connecticut State University Geography Department invite you to submit a submission proposal for the 16th Annual Global
Call for presentations, posters, panels and performances
The Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC) and Central Connecticut State University Geography Department invite you to submit a submission proposal for the 16th annual Global