
Recent News

Articles (448)
Engineering alums and professor present at AIAA conference
Central professor of Engineering Dr. Viatcheslav Naoumov and two former mechanical engineering students, Andrew Santopietro and Nicholas Combs, presented a co-authored research paper at the American
Submit a proposal for the Global Environmental Sustainability Symposium
The Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition (GESAC), Central Connecticut State University Geography Department, and Central Public History Program are seeking proposals for the 17th
Dr. Clay receives dissertation award
Assistant Professor of Anthropology Dr. Elizabeth C. Clay is the winner of the 2024 Kathleen Kirk Gilmore Dissertation Award for her 2021 University of Pennsylvania dissertation , “Slavery and Freedom
Want a peer mentor? Try Success Central!
Want a peer mentor to help you get off to a good start this semester? Try Success Central! Success Central peer mentors support students to help them achieve their goals. Click on the following link
Student podcast debut: 'The Sophomore Tea'
Is college exactly what you thought it would be? Or was it a big adjustment when you got here? Cal Borst, assistant to the director of Residence Life, and senior Resident Assistant Amari Contreras
Central MLK Jr. Day of Service touches hundreds in local communities
Central Connecticut State University’s annual MLK Jr. Breakfast and Day of Service on Jan. 19 brought students, faculty, and staff together to reflect and work toward the greater good on behalf of our
WATCH: WTNH stops by One-stop Enrollment Day
The spring semester starts next week, and Central Connecticut State University made it quick and easy for current and prospective students to enroll and get settled in with One-astop Enrollment Day
Author and illustrator with autism graduates from Central
WTNH — A 24-year-old on the autism spectrum has worked independently for the last two years, earning a degree in graphic design. View the full story at
A year of initiative, expansion, and connection at Central
A look back at the year 2023 at Central offers more than a glimpse of rear-view successes. A promising future also comes into focus thanks to numerous efforts undertaken last year by faculty, students
Central teams with YWCA to educate next generation of community health workers
A newly funded project co-sponsored by Central Connecticut State University and the YWCA New Britain will ensure more young people have representation in community health policy. The Community Health