AGILE Scholarship

Now accepting applications for the Spring 2023 semester and 2023/24 academic year

In the Fall semester of 2021, Central began offering scholarships to qualified students enrolled in our Master’s program in Software Engineering. These scholarships are funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) program Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) award DUE-2029287.

Over the next five years, our program will award about 60 annual scholarships. Qualified students pursuing a Master’s degree in Software Engineering will receive up to $10,000 per academic year. Each scholarship can be renewed for the subsequent year. Students enrolled in the program on at least a half-time basis (6 credits per semester) are eligible for the scholarship.

Our scholarship program has a number of special features designed to help students succeed in their studies and prepare them to enter the software industry. These features include:

  • Individual mentoring and advising by dedicated faculty
  • Peer mentoring
  • Participation in industry-focused experiences
  • Field trips
  • Guest lectures by leaders of industry and research
  • Internships with leading employers
  • Career opportunities in the software industry
  • Assistance with job placement upon graduation

First-generation students, underrepresented minorities, and female students are very strongly encouraged to apply.

Contact Information

Dr. Stan Kurkovsky
Professor, Computer Science